V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 3 7 6 b , 3 7 6 c , 3 7 7 a 7 9
Vol. 8, 376b. To Elsa Einstein
Zurich, Tuesday. [28 August 1917]
Dear Else,
You fidgety filly! Another telegram! Everything is going well. Thursday at noon
I am traveling to
On Friday it’s onwards past the posts to
Over there I’ll expect your message of when and where we plan to
meet. No scolding, just enjoy setting off for Thuringia, for
Maja is here
today; tomorrow I am also going to be with
Regards and a kiss from your
also to Margot. Greetings to
[. .
Vol. 8, 376c. To Elsa Einstein
[Gottmadingen, Württemberg,] 31 August [1917]
Dear Else,
Today at half past 10 I set off from Schaffhausen and am still here in
Gottmadingen at 7 4
I hope it goes more quickly now. I’m spending the
night today in Sigmaringen and am going to the priest
At the border
the Swiss are very punctilious; but I had very little with me, just enough for the trip.
I just saved 1 piece of fine soap and a tube of toothpaste for you. Write soon where
we are to meet. I am thinking of Thuringia. Find out about a charming, quiet little
Greetings and kisses also to Margot from your
Vol. 8, 377a. To Elsa Einstein
[Benzingen, Württemberg,] Monday. [3 September 1917]
Dear Else,
Surely you have calmed down again and are in good
So you’re coming
with Margot to meet me on the way to Jena, for example, or wherever else you think
around the 10th, and we shall then pick out a suitable place for
I am
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