V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 6 5 9 c , 6 6 1 a 1 1 5
support postal operations. A few trains were running as well, operated by engineers
and the military. Apart from twice when the military had to fire shots in order to
disperse the crowds, the strike in Zurich went very calmly. And on Friday every-
thing was back to normal. One amusing thing to happen during the strike was that
by the 3rd day the tram rails were already completely
We’re all fine. How did these revolutionary days affect your stomach,
Write me a little about the state of your health and of Berlin. Teddi has to go to
Arosa again in the winter because of his flu, but we haven’t found anything for him
Everything is filled up.
Lots of love from your
Mileva's postscript: “On your last letter there was a comment by the censor that only letters indicating
the sender are delivered; please bear this in mind.’
Vol. 8, 659c. From Eduard Einstein
[Zurich, ca. 25 November
Dear Papa,
How are you? Although I did make an effort to write, we have already had 7
weeks of
Now I’m reading the history by Oechsli, I’m at the 14th
I usually play with lead soldiers or in the park with other children. Then
I bring my weapons along.
Lots of love from
Vol. 8, 661a. From Maja Winteler-Einstein
Lucerne, 29 November 1918
My dear Albert,
I was in
for a couple of days, that’s why this letter is being sent off
late. Many thanks for your birthday wishes, which delighted
But I was much
more pleased about your optimistic view regarding the state of
Do keep
us better up to date. You can imagine how valuable to us disclosures from you are.
Our Swiss people impressed me very much on the occasion of the general
Even though only extreme Socialist papers appeared, practically all par-
ties and levels of society were of one mind: the demands by the strikers are right
and debatable, but the use of force in our purely democratic state was thoroughly
reprehensible. It would surely be difficult to find such political maturity among the
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