D O C U M E N T S 1 1 7 , 1 1 8 A U G U S T 1 9 2 0 2 4 7
Will you be coming through Rostock or its vicinity sometime? It still pains us
very much that we could not see you here last
At the very latest, I hope to
see you in February if you are in Berlin then; for around that time I am supposed
to give a talk
My wife, the
and I wish you and yours all the
best. In offering best compliments to your esteemed wife and sending you my most
cordial greetings, I am, in gratitude & admiration, yours truly,
M. Schlick
117. From Oscar Bie[1] et al.
Salzburg [30 August 1920]
In indignation about the pan-German
against your exceptional
character, we affirm to you, in truly international spirit, the sympathy of all liberal
persons, who are proud to know you rank among them and number among the lead-
ers of science worldwide.
Most cordially,
Joseph Chapiro, Werner Krauss, Andreas
Warmly extending our hands in most cordial
Alexander Moissi, Johanna Terwin, Helene Thimig,
Max Reinhardt, Stefan
118. From Helmut Bloch
Berlin, 30 August 1920
Esteemed Prof. Einstein,
In greatest respect for you, I take occasion as a Jew—and consider it a pleasure
to write you a few lines—as well as from the hum[an] point of view, to feel for you
most warmly about the great injustice done to
Although I am a layman of
your science, I do gladly have great interest in becoming acquainted with a paper
treating your work; and it should be a pleasure and an honor to receive such from
you, either for reimbursement or I would demonstrate my most grateful apprecia-
tion by means of my above-mentioned articles (such as shaving instruments,
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