2 8 2 D O C U M E N T 1 6 6 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 0
Dear Ilse,
Your letter just arrived. According to both passport visas, the time of entry is not
So you don’t have to do anything. I’ll deal with the rest of the things
It’s very nice with the boys. Enjoy yourselves for the rest of your solitude.
166. From Hedwig Born
Leipzig, 7 October 1920
Just for you alone to read!
Dear Mr. Einstein,
Today a very serious, friendly word to you. I so much would have liked to grant
you a restful
but too severe consequences are involved which, since
Nauheim, have been upsetting your friends’ peace of
You must withdraw the permission given to Moszkowski to publish the book
Einstein im Gespräch [Conversations with
and to be precise, imme-
diately and by registered mail. Nor should it be allowed to appear abroad either.
I wish I had the persuasiveness of an angel in order to make the consequences
clear to you.
I happened upon Moszk.’s Freibad der
[Swimming Pool of the Muses]
here; the level of this book disgusts me so much that I wrote the enclosed nasty re-
marks, which—this I swear to you—I will publish if you do not immediately with-
draw your
And I have much more venom [to] spray if it is a matter
of saving the honor and moral standing of a friend. I am not painting a too gloomy
picture: first of all, the preliminary announcement of “The Works of Moszkowski”
(available to read on advertising pillars, newspapers, etc.)
Die Unsterbliche Kiste, 1000 der besten jüdischen
[The Immortal Box,
1000 of the Best Jewish Jokes]
Freibad der Musen
Einstein im Gespräch
Sokrates der
This already makes such a very good impression!
Then to the content. That man doesn’t have the slightest inkling about the [es-
sence] of your character, wherefrom follows what is important and valuable to you,
and to us about you. Otherwise—if he understood, or even had a glimmer of respect
and love for you—he would neither have written this book nor wrung this permis-
sion out of your good nature. Thus your “conversations” will be conducted at a very
low level indeed. Narrated with Jewish snottiness and extreme superficiality. Every
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