D O C U M E N T 1 7 9 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 0 2 9 3
We Jews are most highly proud of the honor and good fortune of being able to
count you, highly esteemed Professor, among our own and hope that in the not dis-
tant future the Hebrew University in Jerusalem will offer Your Eminence the pos-
sibility of educating a student body worthy of this
We can just recall the famous words by Disraeli to Bismarck: “We stood on the
pinnacle of civilization and had people at the height of greatness while you were
still crawling about in bearskins in the
We have the honor of undersigning respectfully as Your Eminence’s deeply de-
voted “Histadrut Akademim Zionim,”
Dr. Abraham Schwarz
179. To Elsa Einstein
[Sigmaringen,] Tuesday, 19 October [1920]
Dear Else,
Now I’m back in Sigmaringen, where I’m picking up Brandhuber for
Benzingen. The trip with the boys through the Danube valley was
We then also climbed up the Hohentwil near
Finally, we drove to Con-
stance, where I bought Albert a few musical scores and Tete a book by Mark
They then traveled to their mother in Donaueschingen, from where they
are continuing
Today I saw the resplendent art treasures at the local
The boys have developed grandly; Albert is purely practical, disregarding
his passion for
He’ll make his own way; he wants to go to South America
after completing his studies. The boy, for all his childishness, is very far advanced.
He read to me Budge & Toddie by Habberton, his favorite
Deeper human
perception seems to be inaccessible to them both—alas. We were very chummy, no
more of the tensions from
but I cannot see them as my temporal succes-
sors. They have large chubby hands and for all their intelligence something inde-
finably four-footed about them. Tomorrow or the day after it’s onwards to
and then—thank heavens—soon back home again. Think of the house
Fond greetings to all of you. Yours,
Console Moszkowski. His book about me must not appear. It would be
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