3 2 8 D O C U M E N T 2 2 4 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0
The evening we spent together recently was very stimulating for me. I am
pleased to have made the acquaintance of such a farsighted and strong personality
as you.
With amicable greetings also from my wife, I am yours,
224. From Max Born
[Frankfurt,] 8 December 1920
Dear Einstein,
I’m sending you in the enclosed the circular of the Math. Annalen. I never re-
ceived a submission for this journal before, nor do I know anything about it and
therefore added no
In addition I’m attaching a copy of a letter from Russia, from my student and
friend Boguslavsky. The letter arrived some time ago
The content might
interest you. From it one sees that something has to be done to try and invite the
poor man (he has a lung problem besides) to Germany so that he doesn’t starve. I
tried all sorts of things, first with Planck, then with Klein and Hilbert at
whom I asked to prompt the academies to send B. an invitation of
some kind. But they all declined; they don’t want to have anything to do with “for-
eign policy,” as Hilbert put it. Maybe you will think of a way. What Boguslavsky
writes about his research is, in part, evidently nonsense; but this probably is ex-
plained by his deplorable condition; he is a smart, fine person. A mutual friend, Dr.
Bolza in
incidentally also made an attempt to send Boguslavsky
something through the Red Cross; whether with success I do not know. To stay on
the same topic: some time ago I sent you a letter by Epstein, who was requesting
help. An answer has meanwhile come in from G. N. Lewis in America, whom I had
written about this matter. He has created a position at the university at Berkeley in
California for Epstein and offered it to
But I haven’t heard anything from
Epstein, whether he wants to accept; the Swiss might be keeping
An attempt
to bring him here as my successor fell flat against the faculty’s resistance. Nor
could I get Stern into 1st place, because Wachsmuth wanted Madelung; but Stern
is placed 2nd, Kossel placed
In science I tried many things without getting enthusiastic about anything. What
attracts me most is a decent theory of irreversible processes in crystals, as Debye
but I haven’t arrived at reasonable general propositions. The
measurements at the institute on mean free path are going quite nicely; the main
thing was to keep the gas pressure constant during the ½-hour-long vaporization of
the silver; we are now getting it to 5%. On the other hand, clean measurement of
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