3 4 4 D O C U M E N T 2 4 8 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0
seriously taken note of and that we cannot release your from it so easily without
completely compelling reasons. How you will wheedle yourself out of this
is not clear to me yet, for I know my wife’s pigheadedness; she never gives
And the sailboat or ship stands ready in the summer.
You see, here she is already. So please submit right away; it’s much simpler.
Most cordially yours,
Note by Reta Anschütz: “That’s right!!! Your surrogate mother!”
248. From Carl Beck[1]
Chicago, 28 December 1920
My dear Professor Einstein,
I regretted very much during my visit in Berlin, I did not have the chance to see
you. I telephoned to your home to make an appointment; but was told that you had
left for Holland.
Professor Lecher of
who is a friend of mine—and particularly Profes-
another friend, promised to arrange with you a meeting; but unfor-
tunately I had to return to the States. It was not the idle curiosity of many people
who seek to make your acquaintance; but other motives which prompted me to
want to see you. You, of course, are a persona grata with certain scientific circles,
and also here in America, there is a great interest for you personally, and for your
I have no doubt that you are invited to this country by scientific bodies and men.
Knowing American conditions as I do know them, and knowing European condi-
tions as I do, and I do know them, I think, however, that such a visit while it offers
on one side a great many possibilities—is also possibly fraught with certain dan-
gers—not only for yourself but for your country, and I would very much like to dis-
cuss conditions with you on such a visit. America is not yet ready for experiments,
and I think too highly of you and your country to make any experiments.
When I returned a couple of weeks ago from the other side, I had a long confer-
ence with Professor Vincent of the Rockefeller
and with a number
of others interested in Germany and German Science. I think I have accomplished
a great deal by interesting the Rockefeller Foundation favorably, before I left for
Europe through Professor Welch of John Hopkins
and Professor Vin-
cent, and I believe that my report coming from abroad, has clinched the argument
in favor of appropriating $100,000 by the Rockefeller people for the aid of German
and Austrian
Although my propositions as Professor Vincent writes
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