7 4 V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T 3 7 1 a
afternoon I’m going to visit Uncle and Mama in Weggis for the second
They’re a very merry lot over there. Mama walks about vigorously again, which is
surely attributable to a curative lack of fat. Uncle swims and rows like a youth and
is enjoying life. He unfortunately seems to have gone off the idea of founding a
the rascal. Where should I get the courage from to cast a stone
at him for that? You can afford to do so more than I; but the goal will attract you
less, you black
The volatility of the exchange rate, connected with the ne-
cessity of leaving my little boy in Arosa for the time being, make my financial sit-
uation seem increasingly
Sooner or later it will probably become
necessary that my wife go to her
I don’t see any other way. I spoke with
Michele about that yesterday, who also agrees with me. She would take the little
one with
would be accommodated at Maja’s.
doing all she can to have me visit her, and is trying it with sweetness, even. I am
not going there, though. Let her stir Albert up against me even more, by God, if she
finds satisfaction in that. Yesterday Aunt Ida and Edith were
their tireless
chatter sweetened their speedy departure. Maja and
are taking care of me
so touchingly; the stay agrees with me splendidly as well. Nothing surpasses a sim-
ple, peaceful life. Pauli has a very active mind and is a very pleasant companion.
He paints attractively and enthusiastically and reads a great deal in his free time,
takes care of the garden, helps Maja in the house, is friendly, and in cheerful spirits.
Every day at noon they drink jetblack coffee with or without brandy. I congratulate
them on their gem of a housekeeper but with reservations; may she also persevere!
Kisses also to Margot from your
Best regards to
furthermore also to Mr. Sparrow and to Samson and
I shall obtain the
when I go to Zurich . The news from Mrs. H[ochber-
ger] about her
pleased me exceedingly. Give them both my best regards.
Vol. 8, 371a. To Elsa Einstein
[Lucerne,] Wednesday. [15 August 1917]
Dear Else,
Your touching telegram against hunger arrived yesterday comically truncated:
“He is coming . . .” rather than “you receive. . . .” I have written Brandhuber to
From September 1 onward, I am at your disposal anywhere except in Ber-
lin. Don’t scold me then for being here in Lucerne for so long: in exchange, I am
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