D O C U M E N T 2 2 9 D E C E M B E R 1 9 2 0 5 2 3
Beste Empfehlungen Ihrer verehrten Frau Gemahlin u. Frl. Tochter, auch von
Mit schönsten Grüssen an Sie selber in aufrichtiger Verehrung
Ihr ergebenster
Rudolf Goldscheid
ALS. [43 766].
[1]Goldscheid (1870–1931) was a private scholar in sociology and philosophy in Vienna, as well
as a pacifist.
[2]Hendrik A. Lorentz; Hermann Minkowski.
[3]Goldscheid 1919.
[4]See Neue Freie Presse, 28 November 1920, Morning Edition. Einstein was scheduled to lecture
on 13 January 1921 for a general audience at the Wiener Urania (see Einstein to Wiener Urania,
3 December, and Wiener Urania to Einstein, 11 December 1920, in Calendar). He had also been
invited by Felix Ehrenhaft to lecture at the Chemisch-Physikalische Gesellschaft in Vienna (see Felix
Ehrenhaft to Einstein, 24 November 1920, in Calendar), and by Arthur Ehrenfest for yet another lec-
ture (see Doc. 110).
[5]Probably “Professor Albert Einstein,” by Hermann Struck, Zeitbilder Nr. 10, supplement to the
Vossische Zeitung, 7 March 1920, Friedrich Dehn publishing house, Leipzig (Vol. 9, jacket illustra-
tion). Josef Popper-Lynkeus (1838–1921) was a Viennese engineer, philosopher, and founder of the
Society “A Guaranteed Subsistence for All” (see Einstein to Richard von Mises, 10 February 1920
[Vol. 9, Doc. 307], note 1).
[6]A reference to attacks on Einstein and his relativity theory at the Berlin Philharmonic Hall on
24 August (see Doc. 111) and the meeting of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte in
Bad Nauheim on 24 September (see Doc. 154).
[7]Elsa Einstein; Ilse Einstein; Marie Goldscheid-von Maltzahn (1875–1938).
229. From Albert G. Schmedeman
Kristiania 13/12 20 12 Uhr 20 Min.
regents university wisconsin just informed
that fifteen thousand dollars be-
yond their
they wish to know if i[t] is possible to arrange series of lectures
at wisconsin prince[ton] and one other university for one or two weeks each for the
coming summer stop on what terms will you consider such a proposition telegraph
me reply =
Tgm. [36 258].
[1]President Edward A. Birge in his telegram of 10 December 1920 (WMUW).
[2]For Einstein’s demands, see Doc. 203, and its note 2.
[3]In his letter of 13 December 1920 to Schmedeman (WMUW), Charles S. Slichter went into the
details of their new offer. First he considered the possibility that Einstein’s demand of $15,000 was a
translation mistake, or that it was Einstein’s way of declining the invitation. He then contacted
Andrew F. West, Dean at Princeton University, and Augustus Trowbridge at the National Research
Council, and learned that Princeton was considering $1,500–2,000 for a few lectures over the period
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