CALENDAR 1920 5 7 3
Certificate as corresponding member of the Royal Dutch
Academy of Sciences, signed by Queen Wilhelmina, is
issued (see also entry of 21 May). NeLR. [30 127].
May 20 1-page TLS from “Wostok” publishing house to Ilse Ein-
stein. Thanks for the transfer of translation rights of Einstein
1918k to Wostok and informs that the remuneration of
500 M has been sent. [41 1107].
after May 20 2-page Dft to Friedrich Rosen, German Envoy in The
Hague. Since he will be unable after all to deliver his inau-
gural lecture during his present stay in Leyden, there is no
need to extend his visa. Recollects with pleasure the time
spent in Rosen’s home. [9 491.22a].
May 21 Visits at H. A. Lorentz’s home.
1-page PLS from Pieter Zeeman, Secretary of the Royal
Academy of Sciences in Amsterdam. The Academy elected
Einstein corresponding member on 23 April 1920. Attaches
the certificate dated 19 May 1920 [30 127]. [30 128].
May 22 1-page TLS from Barth publishing house. The new printing
of Einstein 1916f is completed and 450 M remuneration has
been transferred. Sends twenty free copies. [41 998].
May 23 TLS from Hans Vaihinger. Asks permission to publish Ein-
stein’s Leyden lecture delivered on 19 May in his journal
Annalen der Philosophie. He plans to devote its next issue
to Einstein’s achievements (“Einstein-Heft”). Moritz
Schlick cannot attend the “Als-Ob” conference (for his
motives, see entry of 5 June), but offered a paper on the rela-
tionship between relativity and philosophy. [23 127].
May 24 1-page TLS from Peter P. Koch to KWIP board of trustees.
Asks whether an apparatus can be built using own funds
together with KWIP money, or exclusively with KWIP
funds, and whether there are more flexible conditions for
spending the allocation. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 1A, Nr. 1657.
[77 317].
Dedication by Maurice Solovine on flyleaf of Huyghens
1920: “A Albert Einstein en souvenir de tant de discussions
intéressantes sur les grands problèmes de la science et de la
philosophie.” [74 347].
2-page TLS from Fritz Weigert. Thanks for the 5,000 M
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