DOCUMENT 188 NOVEMBER 1909 219 wunderbarer Mensch lässt Dich grüssen.[5] Seelisches Gleichgewicht, das wegen M. verloren, nicht wieder gewonnen.[6] Habicht war da mit Ma- schinchen.[7] Volt erreichbar. Kontakte noch nicht in Ordnung.[8] Muss weiter verbessert werden. Kl..... kurios aber erträglich.[9] Nächstens schreibe ich mehr. Für heut herzl. Grüsse an Dich und die Dei- nen. Dein Albert Moussonstr. 12. AKS (SzGB). [7 058]. There are perforations for a loose-leaf binder at the head of the docu- ment. The postcard is addressed "Herrn M. Besso Schwarzenburgstr. Bern.," and postmarked "Zürich 8 (Fluntern) 17.XI.09.-4." [1]Günther 1909, which Einstein had read at the end of October (see Doc. 182). [2]See Doc. 182, where a similar argument is given. [3]Einstein gave six hours of lectures a week and conducted a one-hour seminar at the Uni- versity of Zurich (see Doc. 180, note 3). [4]On at least one occasion in Einstein's first semester at the University of Zurich, Aurel Stodola also attended a lecture in one of Einstein's courses and participated in the discussion which ensued (see Einstein manuscript for Stodola's 70th birthday celebration, before 10 May 1929, SzGB, and published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung 150, no. 909 [12 May 1929], p. [1]). [5]As a mechanical-engineering student at the ETH from 1891 until 1895, Besso had attend- ed the lectures of Stodola and "was able to pass on to Einstein, the eighteen-year-old, some- thing of the treasure that I had received from you [Stodola]" ("konnte Einstein, dem acht- zehnjährigen, von dem Gut weitergeben, das ich durch Sie empfangen hatte") (see Michele Besso to Aurel Stodola, 22 August 1941, SzZE Bibliothek, Hs. 496:5). [6]The reference is to Mileva Einstein-Maric, who had deeply embarrassed Einstein several months earlier by her jealous actions (see Doc. 166). [7]Probably Paul Habicht (see Doc. 190). See also the editorial note, "Einstein's 'Maschinchen' for the Measurement of Small Quantities of Electricity," pp. 51-55. [8]Paul Habicht submitted a patent application for an "electrical contact device" ("elek- trische Kontaktvorrichtung") to the Swiss Patent Office two days later (see patent application CH-PS 49969, 19 November 1909). [9]The reference is to Alfred Kleiner. 188. To Edgar Meyer Zürich den 18. XI. [1909] Lieber Herr Meyer! Haleluja! Sie hatten Recht! Es war eine Oberflächlichkeit, jene letzte Inte- gration wegzulassen. Sie ergibt die Formel[1] A2 i r xk\ x i -2 Ģ 2 1 X o X X o o 1 v ) l io Der Faktor e 0 , der da herein kommt, wird wohl das Vaterland retten! Ich
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