DOCUMENT 205 MAY 1910 239 [4]Albert (1869-1927) and Luise (1875-1959) Karr-Krüsi. He worked in the grain-trading firm owned earlier by Einstein's maternal uncle, Jacob Koch (1850-1925), and lived at Freigutstrasse 10 in Zurich (see Adressbuch Zürich 1910), an address noted in Einstein's "Scratch Notebook" (Vol. 3, Appendix A), [p. 25]. Ida Einstein (1865-ca. 1922), divorced from Einstein's paternal uncle Jakob (1850-1912), was Albert Karr's aunt Edith (1888-1960) was her daughter. [5]Lucien Chavan and his wife Jeanne Chavan-Perrin. [6]Charles Louis Perrin (1839-1910). [7]Paul Adler (*1878) died on 6 April (see his Familien-Bogen, GyM-Ar) his parents, Rosa (1855-1935), a cousin of Pauline Einstein, and Josef Adler (1844-1918) lived at Luisenstraße 27/3 (see Adreßbuch München 1910). Einstein noted the address in his "Scratch Notebook" (Vol. 3, Appendix A), [p. 35], together with other Munich addresses including Arnold Som- merfeld's, perhaps indicating his intention of visiting the Adlers a year later on his way from Zurich to Prague (see Doc. 263). [8]In summer semester 1910, which began 19 April at the University of Zurich, Einstein lec- tured on mechanics (three hours a week to eleven students and three auditors) and on kinetic theory of heat (two hours a week to fourteen students and eight auditors), as well as conducting a physics seminar (one hour a week for eight students and six auditors) and directing a labo- ratory daily for more advanced students together with Alfred Kleiner (see Kontrollbücher über die Honorargebühren, S.S. 1910, SzZU, Kassa-Archiv, and Zürich Verzeichnis 1910a, p. 22). The lecture notes on kinetic theory of heat are presented as Vol. 3, Doc. 4. [9]Einstein gave a paper on light quanta to the Schweizerische Physikalische Gesellschaft on 7 May (see the preceding document, note 3). [10]A week earlier a commission of the Philosophical Faculty of the German University of Prague recommended Einstein to the full faculty as its first choice for a newly created chair of theoretical physics (see An das Professorenkollegium der philosophischen Fakultät der k. k. deutschen Universität in Prag, before 21 April 1910, Cz-Ar, MKV/R, No. 101, Einstein Dos- sier). Einstein had already been informed of the possibility of his appointment in March (see Friedrich Adler to his parents, 30 March 1910, AVVGdA, Adler-Archiv, Mappe 78), perhaps by the commission, which in its memorandum mentions that all three candidates have declared their willingness to accept a "call" ("Berufung"). [11]Rudolf and Fanny Einstein, who was Pauline Einstein's sister. They had moved to Berlin two years before (see Adreßbuch Berlin 1909). Elsa Löwenthal (1876-1936) and Paula (1878-ca. 1955) were their daughters. [12]The appointment to the University of Zurich was made on 7 May 1909 (see Doc. 154, note 2). [13]A postscript by Mileva Einstein-Marid is omitted. [14]Jakob Einstein was divorced from his wife in 1909 (see his Munich Anmeldungsformu- lar, GyM-Ar). [15]The son Robert Einstein (1884-1945) was an electrical engineer. 205. To Lucien Chavan [Zurich, 6 May 1910] Lieber Herr Chavan! Morgen Früh 5 Uhr fahren wir hier ab, sodass wir ungefähr 8 Uhr in Bern sind. Es wäre am hübschesten, wenn Sie mit Neuchatel zur Sitzung der Phy- siker kämen.[1] Vormittags besucht man gemeinsam eine Fabrik.[2] Nachmit-
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