DOCUMENT 3 1903 7 ALS (Sz, Archiv der Einstein-Gesellschaft). [71 632]. [1]Dated by the references to Einstein's landlady and to Hermann Einstein's last illness. [2]Wohlwend (1878-1962) was a friend from the Aargau Kantonsschule and from the period when Einstein taught in Winterthur (see Einstein to Mileva Marie, 9 May 1901 [Vol. 1, Doc. 106]). [3]Bertha Hausmann-Louis (1854-1933), a widowed language teacher (see Adressbuch Bern 1902). Einstein was registered at her house, Archivstrasse 8, from 14 August 1902 until shortly after his marriage in January 1903 (see Schriften-Kontrolle für Kantonsfremde Aufenthalter 1899-1902, SzBe-Ar E, "E," no. 101). Wohlwend also played the vi- olin (see Inspector's Report, ca. 31 March 1896 [Vol. 1, Doc. 17]). [4]Hermann Einstein died of a cardiac disorder on 10 October after a brief illness (see Vol. 1, "Albert Einstein-Beitrag für sein Lebensbild," p. lv). [5]The Swiss Patent Office. [6]The friend is probably either Maurice Solovine or Conrad Habicht (1876-1958), a stu- dent at the University of Bern (see Vol. 1, Biography, p. 382) and brother of Paul Habicht. Habicht joined Einstein's and Solovine's informal discussion group, the Olympia Academy, some weeks after Easter 1902 (see Solovine 1956, p. vii). There is a pencil notation in an un- known hand on the verso of this letter: "Populäre Vorlesungen von E. Mach," which refers to Mach 1896. Cf. the statement in Solovine 1956 (p. viii) that Mach 1886 and Mach 1897 were read about this time in the discussion group. [7]This view may be contrasted with his wife's statement about a half year later that Einstein "has 8 hours a day of very boring work. We have secretly decided to look around for another position-whether that be a teaching position or one with more relevance to his field of exper- tise-, one which gives him more satisfaction and in which he is more interested" ("hat täglich 8 Stunden sehr langweilige Arbeit. Wir haben nun ganz im Geheimen beschlossen uns nach einer andern Stelle umzusehen, sei es nach einer Lehrstelle oder sonst einer Stelle wo er Arbeit hätte, die mehr in sein Fach einschlüge und er mehr Freude und Interesse daran hätte"). See Mileva Einstein-Marid to Helene Savic, ca. 20 March 1903, Milan Popovid, Belgrade. [8]Einstein was earning 3500 Swiss francs (see Swiss Department of Justice to Einstein, 19 June 1902 [Vol. 1, Doc. 141]). [9]The mother, Lina Wohlwend-Rupp (1855-1910), and "N 2," Wohlwend's sister Clara (1880-1958), both had earlier accompanied Einstein on the piano. For his musical meetings with the Wohlwend family, see Einstein to Mileva Marid, 7 July 1901 (Vol. 1, Doc. 114). The little brother was Max (1888-1944), the other brother, Karl (1881-1944). 3. Dedication, Einstein as Member of the Olympia Academy a.d. mdcccciii HECHINGENSIS. VIR INGENUARUM ARTIUM EXPERTUS IN OMNI GENERE LITTERARUM VERSA- TUS AETATEM IN LITTERAS DUCENS VIR PERFECTE PLANEQUE ERUDITUS DOC- TRINA EXQUISITA SUBTILI ELEGANTE IMBUTUS MUNDUM SCIENTIA INAUDITA AUCTUS RERUM NATURALIUM COGNITIONE SUPERFLUUS VIR SUMMA ANIMI TRANQUILLITATE MIRAQUE VIRTUTE DOMESTICA NEC UNQUAM CIVIS OFFICIA NEGLEGENS FORTISSIMUS DUX ILLARUM FABULOSARUM MOLECULARUM PATI- ENTIUM ANTISTES INFALLIBILIS ECCLESIAE PAUPERORUM SPIRITU.
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