620 CHRONOLOGY, JANUARY-DECEMBER 1906 1906,January Submits "Supplement" to "A New Determination of Molecular Dimensions" (Vol. 2, Doc. 33). January 13 Participates in discussion following E. Stähli's lecture on "Microscopy with Ultraviolet Rays and the Ultrami- croscope," delivered to the NGB. January 15 Receives doctorate from the University of Zurich. March 10 Promoted to Technical Expert second class with a salary increase to 4500 francs, effective 1 April. March 13 "On the Theory of Light Production and Light Absorp- tion" (Vol. 2, Doc. 34). May 10 Envelope addressed "An Herrn Dr. Conrad Habicht den Schweigsamen Schiers. Graubünden." and postmarked "Bern Fil. Kornhaus 10.V.06.-4." "Drucksache" is writ- ten in another hand. The verso is stamped "Schiers 11.V.06." Enclosed is a newspaper advertisement for a teaching position at the Städtisches Gymnasium in Bern. Provenance: Walter Habicht, Rodersdorf, Swit- zerland. May 17 "The Principle of Conservation of Motion of the Center of Gravity and the Inertia of Energy" (Vol. 2, Doc. 35). June 1 Registers residence at Aegertenstrasse 53, Bern. June 15 Reply postcard to unknown recipient, self-addressed in Einstein's hand, postmarked "Berlin, N.W. 15 6 06. 10- 11V." and docketed "Bern Brf.Distr. 18. VI.06.XII." The verso, written in Einstein's hand, is "Adresse des Herrn Dr. W. Kaufmann:" to which the response "Bonn a/Rh." is appended. first half of August Publishes review of Max Planck, Lectures on the The- ory of Thermal Radiation (Vol. 2, Doc. 37). August 4 "On a Method for the Determination of the Ratio of the Transverse and the Longitudinal Mass of the Electron" (Vol. 2, Doc. 36). November 9 "Planck's Theory of Radiation and the Theory of Spe- cific Heat" (Vol. 2, Doc. 38). December 8 Makes discussion comment in the NGB following Rudolf Huber's lecture "On Electrons." December 12 "On the Limit of Validity of the Law of Thermodynamic Equilibrium and on the Possibility of a New Determina- tion of the Elementary Quanta" (Vol. 2, Doc. 39).
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