D O C U M E N T 1 3 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 1 3 3
dem gestern Abend eine Riesengesellschaft für mich gegeben
bei der ich,
statt auf die vielen Reden zu
Herzliche Grüsse an Euch alle Euer
Morgen bin ich noch bei meiner ehemaligen Musikfreundin Frl.
AKS. [143 112]. The postcard is addressed “Frau Elsa Einstein Haberlandstr. 5 Berlin,” and post-
marked “Praha C. S. P. 9.I.21–6.”
[1]Invited by O. Frankl, director of Urania in Prague (Frank 1949, p. 282), Einstein delivered his
lecture on relativity in the “dangerously overcrowded” (“gefährlich überfülltem”; Frank 1949, p. 285)
great hall of Urania on 7 January 1921 (see Prager Tagblatt, 8 January 1921; Bohemia, 9 January
1921, 1st Supplement). The German democratic politician Josef Eckstein introduced Einstein at the
sold-out event (see Vossische Zeitung, 11 January 1921, Morning Edition, 1st Supplement).
[2]The discussion on relativity was also held in the great hall of Urania on 8 January (see Bohemia,
9 January 1921, 1st Supplement, and Prager Tagblatt, 9 January 1921). Oskar Kraus (1872–1942)
was Professor of Philosophy at the German University of Prague and an opponent of relativity. For an
article by Kraus on the discussion, see Bohemia, 11 January 1921, 1st Supplement.
[3]During his professorship in Prague, Einstein had played quartets with Georg Pick, Moritz Win-
ternitz, and other professors (Kowalewski 1950, p. 217).
[4]He had been invited to lecture there by Felix Ehrenhaft on behalf of the Chemisch-Physikalische
Gesellschaft (see Felix Ehrenhaft to Einstein, 24 November 1920 [Vol. 10, Calendar]).
[5]He was greeted by Franz Wähner, Rector of the German University of Prague, as a “dear old
colleague” (“lieber alte Kollege”; Neue Freie Presse, 8 January 1921).
[6]He played a movement from a violin sonata by Mozart (Prager Tagblatt, 8 January 1921; Frank
1949, p. 286).
[7]Ottilie Nagel, sister-in-law of Moritz Winternitz, with whom Einstein used to play duets for vio-
lin and piano (see Z. Guth’s article in Nede=le s Lidovou demokracií, 3 April 1975).
13. To Elsa Einstein
[Vienna], Montag [10 January 1921]
Liebe Else!
Ich bin gestern wohlbehalten hier eingetroffen, nachdem ich von Pick, Franks
Winternitzens an die Bahn begleitet worden
Hier ist sehr viel, was durcher-
lebt werden
Aber Samstag Morgen ist Abreise Frau
rührend für mich gesorgt und mir die Taschen mit Herrlichkeiten vollgestopft; man
muss dem jungen Winternitz sehr aufmerksam
Gesundheitlich geht es mir tadellos. Das Autogramm lege ich bei. Herzliche
Grüsse an Euch alle (in Eile) Dein
ALS. [143 113].
[1]Georg Pick, Philipp Frank and Hania Frank-Gerson, and Moritz Winternitz and his family. Ein-
stein had left Prague for Vienna on 9 January 1921.
[2]Einstein had been invited to Vienna by Felix Ehrenhaft to lecture at the Chemisch-Physikalische
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