D O C U M E N T 1 1 5 A P R I L 1 9 2 1 1 5 9
The invitations will probably come from a group at the head of which will be Oscar
Straus, Dr. Loeb, Judge Mack and a few other well known
It will be
a great pleasure for me to learn that you, dear Dr. Beck, are prepared to give the
cause of the Jerusalem University the benefit of your support and to cooperate with
me during my stay in Chicago in that matter.
As I mentioned already my journey has also a second object namely, to come
into contact in so far as possible under the circumstances with the American World
of Science. I shall feel very grateful to you if you will kindly give me your assis-
tance in organizing my meeting with those Chicago Scientists with whom I have
more common ground
I thank you very sincerely for your kind invitation to be your guest during my
stay in Chicago, which, I regret, I must decline: my work for the Jerusalem Univer-
sity makes me a center of so much noise and coming and going that I would be re-
ally a most troublesome guest.
As to your question about my speaking in public, I may have to say a word or
two at some gathering in favor of the Jerusalem University. As to my scientific lec-
tures, the situation is not yet sufficiently clear except with regard to Princeton, as I
have already mentioned.
Allow me to thank you again very sincerely for your kind attention and offer of
assistance. With kind regards, Yours very truly,
A. Einstein.
P. S. Ich habe mich deshalb in erster Linie an die Universität Princeton gewendet,
weil diese Universität die erste war, welche mir eine Einladung gesandt
TLSX. [65 663]. Typed on letterhead “Zionist Organization of America,” and addressed “Dr. Carl
Beck North Chicago Hospital 2551 N Clark St Chicago Ill.” Postscript is in Einstein’s hand.
[1]Einstein informed Beck in late February of his planned trip to the United States (see Doc. 60).
Weizmann had thanked Einstein for his acceptance of the invitation to tour the United States on 28
February (see Doc. 70). Einstein had arrived in New York on 2 April (see New York Times, 2 April
[2]For his arrangements with Princeton University, see Doc. 53.
[3]On his earlier arrangements with Yale, the University of Wisconsin, and the National Academy
in Washington, which had not come to fruition, see Doc. 56. At the end of March, when the University
of Wisconsin learned that Einstein would be touring the United States, the hope was expressed that
he would visit Wisconsin (see Albert G. Schmedeman to M. E. McCaffrey, 31 March 1921
[WiMaUMA, Dean Slichter Papers], [84 989]).
[4]Most likely a local committee in Chicago to raise funds for the Hebrew University.
[5]The planned University Aid Committee, which was to be established to organize large-scale
fund-raising on behalf of the Hebrew University (see Doc. 70, note 3).
[6]Straus (1850–1936) was a politician, author, and jurist. On his opposition to political Zionism
but support for specific projects for the physical rehabilitation of Palestine, including the Hebrew Uni-
versity, see Cohen, N. 1969, pp. 142 and 292. Jacques Loeb (1859–1924) was director of the Division
of General Physiology at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York. The judge was
Julian W. Mack.
[7]For Felix Ehrenhaft’s previous correspondence regarding Beck’s ability to aid Einstein in this
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