2 1 6 D O C U M E N T 1 7 3 J U L Y 1 9 2 1
Befähigung des Kollegen Merlecker bürgt uns dafür, das er Ihre Intentionen richtig
verstehen wird. Im übrigen wird Herr Merlecker heute nachmittag mit dem fertig
gestellten Satz noch einmal bei Ihnen vorsprechen, um Ihnen Gelegenheit zu ge-
ben, sich von der Richtigkeit der Wiedergabe zu überzeugen.
Mit dem Ausdruck meiner ganz besonderen Verehrung begrüsse ich Sie als Ihr
G. Bernhard
TLS. [45 188]. Written on letterhead “Georg Bernhard Chefredakteur der Vossischen Zeitung,” and
addressed “Herrn Professor Dr. Albert Einstein, Berlin.”
[1]Bernhard (1875–1944), editor of the Vossische Zeitung, and chairman of the Finance Committee
of the Reich Economic Council.
[2]Merlecker (1894–?). The Berliner Tageblatt, in its morning edition of 7 July 1921, published an
abstract of an interview with Einstein on his American impressions by a Dutch journalist (“Einstein
über amerikanische und englische Wissenschaft,” Vol. 7, Appendix D, sec. 3). A brief disavowal by
Einstein was published the next day (Berliner Tageblatt, 8 July 1921, Morning Edition). The Voss-
ische Zeitung, apparently upon Einstein’s initiative, offered to publish a more detailed article on his
views on America and Americans that would counterbalance the damage that had been done to the
case of Zionism and to Einstein’s integrity. This second interview was published the next day (“Ein-
steins amerikanische Eindrücke. Was er wirklich sah” [Vol. 7, Appendix E]).
173. From Solomon Ginzberg
[London,] July 12th 1921.
American Zionist Organization cables quote Times report interview in Rotter-
with Einstein through Cyril
giving views derogatory
to America ascribing Einstein’s spleen to failure of Weizmann
accuracy of interview send correction here laying stress on success Weizmann mis-
sion important unquote am certain your words misrepresented kindly wire London
denial for publication America. Ginsberg Zioniburo
Tgm (IsJCZA, Z4/2971/IV). [86 003]. The telegram is quoted verbatim within a letter from the Zion-
ist Organisation Central Office in London to the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland in Berlin,
and addressed “Professor Einstein, 5, Haberlandstr, Berlin.”
[1]Introductory text omitted in which the Zionist Organisation Central Office in London informed
the Zionistische Vereinigung für Deutschland that they had received a cable for Einstein and
requested that it be forwarded to him urgently.
[2]A reference to the partial translation, published in the New York Times, 8 July, of the Berliner
Tageblatt version of the Dutch-language interview with Einstein, originally published in the Nieuwe
Rotterdamsche Courant on 4 July (see Vol. 7, Appendix D).
[3]Brown (1887–1949) was staff correspondent of the New York Times in Berlin.
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