9 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 1 6 , 1 1 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 1
116. To Franz Boas
Hotel Commodore New York City April 11, 1921
Dear Sir,
It is a great pleasure for me to express to you my deep appreciation of the work
of relief to which you and your society devote so much time and effort. This work
I consider to be of the greatest importance in the struggle for existence of the
scientific research of the scientists themselves. In this time of acute crisis the relief
that you can provide is most urgently needed if the advancement of science is to be
maintained, also in those amongst the highly civilized countries which are now
poverty stricken as a result of the
I know personally the men who are in charge of the distribution of the funds in
Germany and I am convinced that they cope with their task in an efficient and abso-
lutely impartial manner. I am sure that the same conditions apply in Austria and that
the funds collected [there] from generous supporters of culture in America are used
in the best possible way in the interests of science in these countries.
Very truly yours.
Translator’s note: Original written in English.
117. From Arthur G. Webster[1]
Worcester, Mass., 11 April 1921
[See the documentary edition for the original English.]
118. To Ernest G. Barker
Hotel Commodore New York City, April 12, 1921
Dear Sir,
Please convey my sincere thanks to the Professorial Board and the Governing
Body at your college for the kind invitation extended to
It will be a great
pleasure for me to deliver one or two lectures at the King’s College. I am afraid,
however, that I will not be able to reach London before the end of May, so that the
lecture (or if you prefer two lectures) would have to take place either in the last days
of May or in the first days of June: I cannot say definitely as yet since it depends
on the dates of
Kindly inform me by cable (c/o Zionists, New York)
whether these arrangements are acceptable to the college.
With regard to my fee I would not like to mention any definite figure and will
leave it to the college.
I am, dear sir, very truly yours.
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