1 2 2 D O C U M E N T S 1 6 9 , 1 7 0 J U L Y 1 9 2 1
It is very amusing that Mach takes an adverse position on rel. th. in his very fine
posthumous work on optics (comp.
while, according to the honor-
able Weyland, you plagiarized him anyway.
I am curious whether you can satisfy both of my requests and would be happy if
I could do a favor for you sometime in return. I hope your health is digesting the
American-Engl. fuss well!
Cordial regards, ever yours,
A. Sommerfeld.
169. From Joachim von Winterfeldt-Menkin
Berlin, 20 Matthäikirch St., 4 July 1921
Esteemed Professor,
The message reached us from Chicago that a committee has been formed over
there that sets itself the mission of raising a fund for the assistance of scientists and
teachers at universities and schools of every sort.
The guiding aspect for the distribution of the funds transferred to us, in accord
with our American friends’ wish, should be need not an individual’s rank and
In order to solve this task of ours to the satisfaction of teachers at universities,
we would be grateful if you would place your personal assistance at our disposal in
performing this charitable
By virtue of your abundant scientific contacts
you surely often have occasion to gain insight into individual financial predica-
ments. We now ask you kindly to refer to us in confidentiality the names of those
in need of assistance.
We would be thankful if you would inform us whether you would be willing to
collaborate in this way in our relief work within Germany.
In great respect, yours very truly,
von Winterfeldt.
170. From Unknown
Mexico, [after 4] July
Your statements about the American people which you, as the papers report,
addressed to a representative or reporter of the Rotterdam Courant for
are of such unfounded and shameless coarseness that I, although
born a German but for many years an American citizen, cannot refrain from utter-
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