1 9 2 D O C U M E N T 3 0 8 N O V E M B E R 1 9 2 1
307. To Noémi Stricker
Berlin, 29 November 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
308. From Max Born
Göttingen, 29 November 1921
Dear Einstein,
The authorities could not agree on whether you are still whiling away in Italy’s
temperate lands or are in Berlin
But one may surely rightfully assume
that in the first case your return is imminently expected. That is why I am writing
and hope that you receive this letter soon.
I first have to thank you very heartily for the magnificent grant of X-ray appara-
tus. Franck, Pohl, and I are very happy about it, because nowadays it is a part of
any decent institute; and very often problems arise that can only be resolved by X
Pohl is supposed to write you an official letter of thanks but I do have to add
a few more personal, cordial words of gratitude. This major grant does mean that
all of you in Berlin trust that we will generate something worthwhile with this
apparatus, and that gratifies us. The purchase is mainly in Pohl’s hands, and there
are very many difficulties, a lack of space, the unreliability of companies, etc.
Because of the way the Veifa Works treated us in particular, we are probably not
going to purchase from
Pohl is traveling to Berlin in the coming days to
negotiate with Siemens. We want, if possible, not to buy any of the finished medical
apparatus but assemble one out of the best available components according to pre-
cise specifications.
Otherwise there isn’t much good news to report; for I am actually constantly ill.
My summer travels to the Tyrol did not help much, because upon returning I got
asthma almost every night and got very run down. About 3 weeks ago I had a very
serious attack with bronchitis and had to stay in bed for a long time. I was being
treated by our medical authorities (especially E.
and they got rid of the
asthma as well. But I still have serious catarrh and cannot deliver any lectures. Pauli
is taking my
he supposedly does it very well, despite his 21 years. It’s a
pity that I’m so rickety, because it is otherwise so nice here. It is a treat to work with
Franck; even our position with Pohl is good. Young Pauli is very stimulating; I shall
never get such a good assistant again. Alas, he wants to join
in Hamburg
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