1 8 D O C U M E N T 2 2 J A N U A R Y 1 9 2 1
c) After Easter our lectures begin on 11 April
{d) Holland scientific congress is 31 Mar. and 1, 2 Apr. in Utrecht.}
Please discuss this matter immediately with
and let me know through her
what you intend to do.
4. Request to Ilse: Prof. D. Rozhdestvensky—director of the Optics Institute at
the University of
will be coming to Holland around 15 January from
Petrograd via Tallinn
and Germany, at the invitation of a number of
Dut[ch] physicists (Lorentz, Zeeman, Julius, Onnes, Kuenen,
to report about his optical investigations and also to order and buy physical instru-
We have arranged that the entry permit into Holland be ready in Tallinn at the
Dutch consul’s when he arrives there.
For he has only a little time, then he has to be back at his institute in Petrograd, and
one generally has to wait terribly long before one obtains a transit permit through
RozhdestvenskyÊs trip has a purely scient[ific] purpose; I act as guarantor to
you about that.
[To be honest: very soon I’m going to have to apply for your intervention again
likewise for a transit perm[it] to Holland for 5 other physicists, who are being sent
abroad by the Academy of Sci. in Petrograd, likewise for purchases of instrum.,
books, period[icals]. But I’ll write about that

Dear Einstein, dear Miss Ilse, don’t be cross with me for bothering you!!!!
Greetings to your wife and to Margot. Your old
P. Ehrenfest.
22. To the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian
Berlin, 19 January 1921
After friends
drew my attention to the petition by the Czech parliament to
confer the Peace Prize for 1921 to President
I am taking the liberty of
We ask you please to help us: namely, to arrange that at the German con-
sulate in Tallinn the
transit permit
through Germany be issued to him immediately when he arrives in Tallinn.–
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