2 2 6 D O C U M E N T 1 3 0 A P R I L 1 9 2 2 [2]Maurice Croiset. [3]In his account of the lecture, Block wrote that he “had not heard any negative words” (“kein schlimmes Wort gehört”) against Einstein among the audience waiting for him to arrive. Upon his entrance into the lecture hall, Einstein was given a two-minute standing ovation. He lectured in French without notes for an hour. Block described the occasion as “an hour of peace” (“eine Stunde des Frie- dens” see Berliner Tageblatt, 1 April 1922, Morning Edition). [4]The Reparations Commission had been established in Paris in February 1920. The head of the German delegation to the Commission was David Fischer (see Witt 1975, p. 23 for Fischer’s negoti- ations with the Allies regarding the reparations, see Feldman 1997, pp. 429–438). [5]Wilhelm Mayer-Kaufbeuren. For his letter, see Doc. 121. For the correspondence between Mayer and the Auswärtiges Amt prior to Einstein’s arrival, see Doc. 121, note 2. The ambassador sub- sequently dispatched a member of the German Embassy in Paris to deliver his letter to the train on which the French press had reported that Einstein would be arriving. However, Einstein arrived on a later train and exited the station via an adjacent platform (see Wilhelm Mayer-Kaufbeuren to Auswär- tiges Amt, 1 April 1922 [GyPAAA, R64677] see also Doc. 122 for Einstein’s account of his arrival in Paris).
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