C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 4 8 6 7 315. From Alice Steinhardt-Rosenberg (née Koch) [Berlin,] 2 March 1925 She very much enjoyed (her cousin) AE’s visit the previous day. She is much sadder than he can imagine, because a real friend is leaving. She is returning to Paris and sends him best wishes on his voyage, hoping to see him again. ALS. [44 792]. 316. From Salomon Ginzberg Jerusalem, 4 March 1924 Congratulates AE on the confirmation of the theory of relativity by the 1923 eclipse ex- pedition. Is pleased that even the director of the Mount Wilson Observatory, who was an opponent, has acknowledged that the outcome had been predicted by the theory (see Doc. 186). ALS. [43 752]. 317. From Paul Schramm Berlin, 4 March 1924 Invites AE to his concerts. The program of the first evening will be Brahms, Bach, Debussy, and Liszt, that of the second one Scarlatti, Beethoven op. 111, Schumann, De Falla, Ravel, and Prokofiev. ALS. [45 011]. 318. From Vladimir Jabotinsky Paris, 9 March 1924 Thanks AE for his reply and the advice to contact Jakob Grommer for his help. Will be in Berlin on 20 March and will need AE’s help since he does not have Grommer’s ad- dress. ALS. [35 090]. 319. From the Jewish Community of Berlin Berlin, 11 March 1924 Informs AE that according to Prussian law, every Jew is without exception a member of the community in which he resides. Requests his tax identification number, the amount of income tax filed for 1922, and his occupation at the time. TLS. [35 109]. 320. From Marcel Grossmann Zurich 12 March 1924 Repeats the invitation stated in Abs. 255. At the request of the president of the Zentral- komitee der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Maurice Lugeon, asks to choose a popular topic. AE notes: “Zugesagt E.” TLS. [11 470]. 321. From Erich Marx Leipzig, 17 March 1924 Urges AE to send the promised paper coauthored with Jakob Grommer. The papers of other contributors to volume 6 of the Handbuch der Radiologie, Lorentz, Zeeman, Som- merfeld, and Laue, are already in type, and Debye is also about to submit his paper. TLS. [41 989]. 322. To Pierre Comert Berlin, 18 March 1924 Asks to extend help to [Oscar?] Kocherthaler who will begin his first semester in Gene- va. Is always happy to receive the reports on the activities of the League of Nations, of which he considers himself to be a kind of “stillborn child.” ALSX. [34 806]. 323. From Godfrey Hardy and George Watson London, 18 March 1924 The Council of the London Mathematical Society, at its meeting on 13 March, nominat- ed AE as an honorary member. If AE accepts, the election will take place on 24 April. Requests his address to send the publications of the society. TLC. [30 194]. 324. Note to Archibald Henderson Berlin, 19 March 1924 Quote from Einstein 1918j (Vol. 7, Doc. 7), p. 30: “Der Mensch sucht finden kann.” AKS. [90 713]. 325. From Henryk Doktorowicz Nice, 19 March 1924 Has appealed to the League of Nations with his plan for a Jewish university in the dias- pora. The project was forwarded to the ICIC, which favors a university in Spain. Asks
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