1 0 D O C U M E N T 6 A P R I L 1 9 2 3
It would be better for him, for physics, and also for Berlin if he stayed
here. Not even to mention for me! At the moment he has left for Holland to see
One hears that you have a new theory about the connection between the
metric and electromagnetic fields, through which a relation between gravitation
and the terrestrial field is supposed to
I am extremely curious about it.
Any other relativistic papers that are being published mostly leave me cold; I find
Mie’s pulpy outpourings particularly
Hilbert is registering all of this
with half-hearted interest; for he is entirely enveloped in his new foundation of
logic and mathematics. What I do know about it appears to me to be, indeed, the
greatest advance imaginable in this
But, for the time being, mathemati-
cians for the most part don’t want to have anything to do with it.
It was reported in the newspaper that you turned your back on the League of
I wonder whether this is true. We cannot arrive at any reasonable opin-
ion on political matters at all, you know, because the truth is systematically being
distorted, just as during the war. The madness of the French makes me sad because
it strengthens nationalism over here and weakens the republic. I think a lot about
how I could arrange for my
to be spared the fate of having to participate in
a war of reprisal. But I am too old for America and, anyway, an even greater war
madness than here has reigned over there. Recently I read a short essay by
Coudenhove-Kalergi “Apologie der Technik,” which made a great deal of sense to
If you don’t know it, see that you get hold of it. In March we were in Berlin.
I spoke with Planck and had great pleasure in his
At the G[erman]
P[hysical] Soc[iety], though, where I delivered a
it was quite dull; not a
trace of participation and debate.
who, despite his coldness and caution,
really was full of interest and life in scientific respects, is sorely missing there.
My family is healthy and sends all of you affectionate greetings.
Max Born.
6. To Hermann Anschütz-Kaempfe[1]
[Berlin,] 8 April 1923
Dear Mr. Anschütz,
I was very pleased about your kind letter and am very curious about the sweet
hideaway and about the gyroscope
I cannot leave here again right away
because that would be very badly perceived. But I could be there around the 20th.
Please write me immediately whether you will be in Kiel then for a couple of days
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