4 4 6 D O C U M E N T 4 5 4 M A R C H 1 9 2 5
454. To Herbert L. Samuel
[Berlin,] 3. 3. 25.
Esteemed Sir Herbert Samuel,
Being unfortunately prevented from taking part in the inauguration ceremony of
the Hebrew University, I feel the need, on the eve of my departure to South Amer-
ica, to write you a few
My grateful memories of the days I spent in your
hospitable house as well as in the towns and villages of Palestine are still vividly
alive, thanks to my engagement with many issues concerning the development of
Palestine and my relations with people who live there or are otherwise rooted in the
Since I was in the country, not only has the development work made great
strides under your gentle and cautious administration, but also the interest dis-
played by Jews and non-Jews in Europe in the Palestine work has increased. Par-
ticularly great is the attraction that the Palestine work exerts on the Jewish intellec-
tuals. This will manifest itself at the inauguration ceremonies. A well-known
authority in medicine, a friend of mine, director of a large municipal hospital, Prof.
Ehrman, in addition to many writers, will come from
The sense of distance
has diminished significantly. I would like to add here a word on behalf of Dr.
Steinitz, a gifted younger zoologist who works on the establishment of an institu-
tion for the investigation of marine fauna on the Palestine
I wish you a beautiful and worthy inauguration ceremony and you and your es-
teemed family much happiness and productive work. With kindest regards, very re-
A. Einstein.
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