6 8 D O C U M E N T 7 0 J U N E 1 9 2 3
I don’t rightly know how I should arrange the vacation. We’re going to the North
Sea and
really should spend the whole time there. She’s tired and doesn’t
feel well. If you were closer to there, I could very well come and be with you. But
I can’t very well come to Bavaria on my own; and in Kiel, if we were by ourselves,
Mama is afraid that the amenities might not be right. So I don’t quite know what I
should do. I naturally would like to meet up with you. But, on the other hand, I have
to think that it would hurt Albert very much if I went alone, because he’s very de-
pressed that you’re so angry with him
You can surely imagine how sad I am
that all of this is happening like this. Maybe you can suggest something specific
and write me soon, but the normal way so that I get the letter soon.
Many greetings, yours,
N. B. We’re going around the 15th of July to a nice and isolated village on Sylt,
Address: E. E., spa hotel, Hörnum on Sylt.
70. To Elsa Einstein
[Kiel,] Wednesday, [27 June 1923]
Dear Else,
I arrived here safely.
was at the railway station. In Berlin it took ½
an hour for the train to come in and then there was great jostling. Luckily I managed
to nab a seat. Yesterday we had a relaxed evening together. Anschütz isn’t at all un-
kindly disposed toward you; he also was glad that you’re feeling
We spoke
very thoroughly about the Albert
and I realized then that Anschütz has a
much better knowledge of human nature than I had suspected. It was a considerable
disappointment for him; he approved of my reaction but pushed most of the blame
on Mileva’s influence. When Ilse goes out again, she should go to Koppel’s office
and speak with the bookkeeper who had written the letters to Ladenb[urg]
Perhaps one could inquire ¢there² in New York about why no confir-
mation is forthcoming. In any case, I’m going to Lautrach, either with Tete or
It’s very nice here and interesting. Being together with
Anschütz and his
is very enjoyable for me and refreshing. I can
even always help out a bit on the details.
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