D O C S . 1 1 5 , 1 1 6 S E P T E M B E R 1 9 1 9 9 9 papers from recent years, as you wished. Unfortunately, I have no offprints left of just those I would have most liked to send you. Your announced offprints have not yet arrived. Thanking you once again for your kind letter, I am with cordial regards to you, Mrs. Curie, and Langevin, your old A. Einstein. 115. To Paul Ehrenfest [Berlin,] 28 September 1919 Dear Ehrenfest, Today I was at the Dutch Embassy. My application has been forwarded to the Passport Center, The Hague.[1] I ask you now please to direct an urgent request to them right away that the authorization be sent out from there very promptly. Oth- erwise it takes at least 3–4 weeks. I will leave a few days after the permit arrives. Cordial regards, and to a joyful reunion, yours, Einstein. 116. From Pauline Einstein Rosenau Sanat[orium], Lucerne, 28 September 1919 My dear Children, How much I would have liked to have answered your last letter, which brought me so much pleasure, long ago, but it is getting increasingly difficult and my con- dition is ever more precarious.[1] In the meantime, Erna (née Levi) came quite un- expectedly to visit me, that is, she first corresponded with Maja. Those days really did me much good & now I am looking forward to Guste, who will arrive here at the latest on Wednesday.[2] How kind it is of these friends to undertake the tiring journey & these expenses. You don’t have to say anything, d[ear] Fanny,[3] I know that you simply cannot come. It’s as bitter for me as for you. I am glad that all of you are well. Now you will soon be looking forward to Leyden, d[ear] Albert.[4] I willingly believe that you have much to do, d[ear] Else be sure not to let it be too wearing. Greetings & kisses to all of you & to the children, yours, Pauline.
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