1 2 8 D O C . 1 4 9 O C T O B E R 1 9 1 9 hard again to cut me out—I was standing on too exposed a spot and was too often violent in the name of justice—they hate that.[14] 22 October 1919 Dear Friend, Your letter just arrived.[15] So your mother is still in Lucerne. Can I help with the transfer? Won’t you take an ambulance?[16] Bed, [electr.] installations. Heating is very good 2nd, 3rd class. But unfortunately costly. I must first inquire if the van goes over the border. Taxes. Circa 14 ticket each segment (invalid + 2 companions + medical, heating attendant) [one] person Can I do anything? Debye was here! Splendid person! My wife was delighted with him.[17] I’m hav- ing a difficult time. Am being disrupted by useless things, all my people sick. That you write nothing about the bent light proves to me that even such confir- mations touch only the intellectual surface of people. I shall make inquiries about the German stay. Regards, Zangger. 149. To Max Planck [Leyden,] Wednesday. [23 October 1919] Dear Colleague, Please forgive my brevity. Right now I don’t have any other paper at hand to ex- press to you my great joy. Of course I am going to be coming such an opportunity to be together with you does not present itself again so easily![1] The Ehrenfests were very pleased with your greetings. I have not seen Lorentz since receiving your letter. He always thinks of you with genuine warmth and repeatedly stresses how readily you had satisfied his wishes with regard to Belgian citizens during the war.[2] He regrets and censures the lack of moderation and prudence among the men of the Entente. This evening at the colloquium Hertzsprung showed me a letter by Eddington, according to which precise measurement of the plates has furnished the exact theoretical value for the light deflection.[3] It was gracious destiny that I was allowed to witness this. Ehrenfest described to me many tidbits from Niels
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