1 8 2 D O C . 2 1 4 D E C E M B E R 1 9 1 9 sciences. I do not feel in a position to describe the basic principles of the theory to an audience that is less informed than this. It certainly would be a pity if the article were presented to readers who gain nothing from it and was withheld from those whom one would expect to appreciate it. I therefore think the right thing would be if I sent you the article, then let you decide whether or where you would like to have it appear. I remember with pleasure our acquaintance through the scientific literature, like- wise the paper you later sent me.[2] With amicable regards, yours, A. Einstein. 214. From Edgar Meyer Zurich 1, 69 Rämi St., 14 December 1919 Dear Mr. Einstein, Today I am approaching you with a series of requests. Let me start directly with my wish list. The first is the earnest request that you come this semester as well, after all, to hold your lecture course on any aspect of physics you like.[1] In the very near future you will also receive a special invitation by the government regarding the course in the coming semester.[2] I instigated this so that the bad impression you gained, for ex., from the university cashiers, which had been caused merely by subordinates, are completely swept away.[3] Obviously, I do not need to tell you what you mean to us here, and all the physicists, every one of us here, would be very, very unhappy if you remain resolved [not to come]. Bring your dear wife along you can stay at our home the whole time and you will certainly and hopefully feel as happy again as you did almost a year ago now.[4] And these four weeks of relaxation will surely do you and your wife good. We have so much room in the house that you could live with us very well, with wife and daughter [5] and you yourself will be just as undis- turbed as you like. You can have your own study, in which otherwise not a soul will be allowed to make an appearance. We want to anticipate your every wish at a glance, but please, please do come. And if you draw out your old argument that in- deed the course can be held just as well by the other physicists in Zurich,[6] please also consider what your mere presence means to us here. We have all had so much inspiration from you every single semester that we are constantly looking forward to your finally coming.
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