D O C . 3 1 8 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 0 2 6 5 Jews, who lack the opportunity of matriculating here at the university.[2] Since this involves mainly people who for various reasons cannot study in their own coun- tries,[3] we the undersigned have decided to meet the need and to organize special courses of study for them. They should proceed without delay so that these young people, whose studies have in any case been severely impeded by war and priva- tion, not lose even more time. The admissions should cover those temporarily res- ident foreigners who have preparatory schooling that corresponds to that required in their native countries. A list of university lecturers participating so far, along with the planned courses of study, is attached.[4] Absolutely no burden should arise for the state or the community. Nor is there any question that these courses of study be recognized domestically toward aca- demic credit. We petition the ministry for just one thing. In order that the lectures be of mate- rial use to our students as well, the grades given to them must indicate the quality of instruction in a way that warrants sufficient basis for future recognition of these courses of study toward academic credit abroad. That is why we ask permission of the ministry to characterize our organization as “courses of Berlin University pro- fessors accredited by the state.”– At the same time, we petition, in the event of later inquiries by foreign govern- ments, that they kindly be appropriately informed regarding the recognition of the courses of study toward academic credit abroad. So as to be able to begin the courses as soon as possible, may we respectfully request speed in the authorization process? A. Einstein, L. Landau[5] Note at head of document: “I would have no reservations. H[elfritz].” 318. From David Hilbert Göttingen, 19 February 1920 Dear Colleague, The disaster of Debye leaving us together with his colleague Scherrer has now occurred.[1] Obviously, I have the urgent wish to obtain as a successor someone who really understands theoretical physics and with whom I can collaborate well.[2] As far as I can see, only Born comes under consideration here. (Sommer- feld wouldn’t come, anyway.) Now Carathéodory informs me[3] that you likewise have a very favorable opinion of Born. You would be doing me the greatest of ser- vices, if you would write me a reference in this sense that I could make use of at the commission. Debye values Born just as much, but as the departing colleague his
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