D O C S . 3 4 3 3 4 5 M A R C H 1 9 2 0 2 8 7 Privy Councillor Koppel could perceive my continued employment in the interests of the Sannig firm as an unfriendly gesture,[4] I have resolved to cease my involve- ment in this matter for Sannig & Co. as well, except in order to defend the stand- point taken in my earlier statements as expert, should this necessity arise. In the hope of having the occasion to offer you something positive another time, I am, very respectfully. 343. To German Society for Foreign-Book Trade 8 March 1920 [Not selected for translation.] 344. Konrad Haenisch to Leopold Landau [Berlin, 9 March 1920][1] To Medical Privy Councillor and Univ. Professor Landau, locally, 6a Pariser Platz. Regarding the petition you submitted jointly with Professor Einstein on 19 Feb- ruary of this y[ear]. 〈I declare〉 I respectfully reply that for humanitarian reasons I cannot withhold acknowledgment of the plight of foreigners not admitted to aca- demic study.[2] I therefore grant my permission that the classes specified in the pe- tition be designated “courses of Berlin University professors accredited by the state.” However, I emphasize explicitly that this permission only be extended, in ac- cordance with the content of the petition, to currently residing foreigners and should not provide cause for a permanent arrangement.[3] Please submit to me soon a report on the commencement and attendance of the lectures. The Minister by p[roxy][4] H[aenisch]. 345. From Walter Schottky Charl[ottenburg?] 9 March 1920 Dear Professor, My questions relate to the somewhat unpleasant area of the weighting of quan- tum states. On one hand, extrapolations of high-quantum, quasi-classical states
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