3 0 4 D O C . 3 6 7 A P R I L 1 9 2 0 schooldays in Munich, as these experiences are not particularly meaningful for those not involved.[3] The teaching faculty at elementary school was liberal and did not make any denominational distinctions. Among the secondary school [Gymna- sium] teachers there were a few anti-Semites, one in particular, who flaunted his rank as reserve officer. Among the children anti-Semitism was alive particularly at elementary school. It was based on the children’s remarkable awareness of racial characteristics and on impressions left from religious instruction. Active attacks and verbal abuse on the way to and from school were frequent but usually not all that serious. They sufficed, however, to establish an acute feeling of alienation al- ready in childhood. It is not worth wasting much breath on that in the article. With great respect, A. Einstein. 367. From Hans Vaihinger Halle-on-S[aale], 15 Reichardt St., 4 April 1920 Most esteemed Colleague, It has been a long while since our last correspondence, but there was nothing of urgency to discuss.[1] In the meantime, however, your theory has generated increas- ingly powerful and extensive waves, touching even the daily papers and despite the political confusion, the whole world is interested in the new paths you have opened to science.[2] Now many who combine scientific and mathematical knowledge with a philo- sophical interest have also weighed the consequences of your ideas for philosophy. In this, methodological as well as systematic aspects have to be taken into consid- eration. Many more who are acquainted with the Philosophy of As If have now raised the specific question: to what extent are methodological aspects of the As If inter- pretation of a fiction, as it is principally distinguished from a hypothesis, applicable to your ideas that is, what among your ideas would be, on the one hand, conscious methodological fiction, and what, on the other, verifiable hypothesis?[3] I must, unfotunately, forgo addressing these problems thoroughly myself. My severe eye condition hampers me so much in my studies (I must have everything read to me and cannot write anything except for my name anymore) that I cannot dare to pass authoritative judgment on it. But many friends of the Philosophy of As If are now occupying themselves in- tensely with these problems. A meeting of those interested in the Philosophy of As If is being planned for this summer, at which various talks with discussions are
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