3 1 6 D O C S . 3 7 7 , 3 7 8 A P R I L 1 9 2 0 theory among the general public could possibly suffer by it, since the latter consider Monists either as godless people or as some kind of Spartacists and then, lumped together with Monism, the theory of relativity would be condemned.[3] No one has expressed himself in such a way yet, though, so I hope that I can speak freely again then as well about the relations between relativity theory and the Monist world- view. If you, Professor, have any reservations about this, may I hope for the favor of notification? In your response to the question about the stance of relativity theory toward phi- losophy I had already expected that the unitary doctrine, in particular, agreed best with relativity theory (I cannot imagine a dualistic positivism). I would be greatly indebted to you, esteemed Professor, for answers to the above questions. In begging your pardon for the imposition, I remain most sincerely, with greatest respect, Georg Vogelpohl. 377. To Georg Vogelpohl [Berlin, after 16 April 1920][1] I have nothing to add to your [answer] to the question: What is beyond the [spherical world]? as I utterly agree with it. As to the [ideological] questions, e.g., with regard to Monism, it seems to me that r[elativity] t[heory] stands no closer to it than any other scient. theory. If you, however, are of a different opinion, do not hesitate to express this opinion of yours. I do not approve of tactical considerations of the type you implied. 378. To Moritz Schlick [Berlin,] 19 April [1920] Dear Mr. Schlick, Excuse me for my silence. The rogue of a postman is to blame. The incident dur- ing my lecture course was of no consequence.[1] The less said about such a thing, the better. Nor have I been able to figure out the basic psychological motives behind
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