INDEX References are collected under the appropriate English heading. Certain institu- tions, organizations, and concepts that have no standard English translation are listed under their German designation. “Albert Einstein” is abbreviated to “AE” in subentries. Other abbreviations used in the index are: “ETH” for “Eidgenössisch- Technische Hochschule,” “KWIP” for “Kaiser-Wilhelm-Institut für Physik,” “PAW” for “Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften.” Aall, Anathon (1867–1943), 332 Aardenne, Gijsbert W. van, 136, 163, 213, 247, 253, 283, 315 Abraham, Max (1875–1922), 5 Academia, scholarly ideals in, AE on, 114 Acta Mathematica, honoring memory of Henri Poincaré, 186 Adn. See Einstein, Hans Albert Aegeri, 163, 204, 306 Afanas’jeva-Ehrenfest, Tatyana Alekseyevna. See Ehrenfest, Tatiana Afanas’jeva, Sonya Alekseyevna, 132, 135, 150, 283 Albert Einstein Donation Fund, 217 Allied occupation of Germany, end of, 206 Allies: in Versailles Peace Treaty negotiations, 62 AE on, 170. See also Versailles Peace Treaty Althoff, Friedrich (1839–1908), on academic ap- pointments, 79 Amberg, Ernst (1871–1952), 164 Andersen, Hans Christian, The King’s Robe, 87 Anglo-American University Library for Central Europe, 317, 328, 332, Anschütz-Kaempfe, Hermann (1872–1931), in- vites AE, 5 Anti-Semitism: 324, 174 AE on, 137, 162, 213, 304 campaigns in Germany, 302 in academ- ic circles, 302 Appeals: “An die Kulturwelt,” AE on mitigating cir- cumstances, 93 and bitterness against Germany, in France and Belgium, 64, 67 “April 1919,” 18 “Für den Aufbau des jüdischen Palästina,” AE signs, 113 AE signs, 58, 59, 62, 73, 74 Schmidt sup- ports, 58 Appeal of the German Intellect for Socialism, new version, 52–53 Declaration of the Independence of the Mind, 58, 61, 73–74 Un Appel: Fière Declaration d’Intellectuels, 58 Arago, François (1786–1853), 202 Arco, Georg Count von (1869–1940): 18, 73, 209, 216 invites AE to Monistenbund, 209– 210 letter to Kammerer on heritability, 293 on AE’s worldview, 209 supports Georg Nicolai, 293 supports Rausch von Trauben- berg, 176 Arons case, 293 Arosa: AE in, 3 Eduard Einstein in sanatorium, 3 Fokker and De Sitter in sanatorium, 142, 179, 311 As If, conference and philosophy. See Philoso- phy Aston, Francis (1877–1945), on isotopic compo- sition of neon, 191 Astrophysical Observatory, Potsdam, reserva- tion of astronomers toward general relativity at, 88
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