D O C S . 8 9 9 1 A U G U S T 1 9 1 9 7 3 89. To Hans Reichenbach [Berlin,] 16 August [1919][1] Dear Colleague,[2] Upon returning from my trip, I immediately wrote to Mr. Arco.[3] There was truly no need for such a long letter to convince me of your natural claim to the po- sition you are seeking![4] If something comes of the matter, no one, besides you, shall be so extremely delighted as I. If it miscarries, then just continue to rely on me wherever it can be of help. With best wishes and in the hope of soon meeting you again, yours, A. Einstein. 90. To Ilse and Margot Einstein [17 August 1919] [Not selected for translation.] 91. To Robert Holtzmann Berlin, 17 August 1919 Dear Colleague, After my return from a seven-week trip, I found your letter, whose supportive content pleased me very much indeed.[1] I must admit that I am not one of the orig- inators of the appeal,[2] but rather merely lent my signature upon invitation. That is why I do not know whether a collection of signatures is desired. From the knowl- edge I gathered recently about the sentiments among educated people in our coun- try and elsewhere, it seems to me, sadly, that at the present moment such an under- taking holds little promise of success. I believe that our most important goal must be to prevent the spread of the idea of revenge among us.[3] I fear that a declaration undersigned by a larger number of like-minded associ- ates would provoke a counterdeclaration of considerably greater “impact on the masses” and thus inflict more harm than good on the cause. With great respect, sincerely.
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