D O C U M E N T 1 7 6 O C T O B E R 1 9 2 0 4 6 1
[3]In Doc. 166, Hedwig Born had informed Einstein how concerned Born was about the Mosz-
kowski affair.
[4]Hedwig Born had turned to Einstein for help in obtaining an invitation for Max Born to lecture
in the United States (see Doc. 161).
[5]Paul Weyland; Philipp Lenard; Ernst Gehrcke. For their opposition to relativity and the charges
they leveled against Einstein, see Docs. 111 and 154.
[6]Weyland had in his lecture in the Berlin Philharmonic Hall pointed to a book by Max Hasse
(Hasse 1920) for which Einstein had read the proofs and sent comments to Hasse (see Einstein to Max
Hasse, 1920 [Vol. 9, Calendar]), who included them in his book. Weyland used this as proof of his
charge that Einstein was himself actively involved in advertising relativity (see Weyland 1920c,
pp. 13–14).
[7]A reference to Moszkowski’s Jewish background. For the anti-Semitic character of the events in
the Berlin Philharmonic Hall, see Doc. 118, note 5.
[8]Max Planck; Max von Laue.
[9]Elsa Einstein.
[10]Born explained the agitated style of his letter by the circumstance that in the first edition of his
book on the theory of relativity (Born 1920a), he had published a photo of Einstein and a short biog-
raphy, describing not only Einstein’s scientific achievements but also his personality. Shortly after the
book appeared, he received a letter from Max von Laue expressing his and his colleagues’ objection
to a photo and biography being published in a scientific book (see Einstein/Born 1969, p. 69). Born
deleted the photo and biography in the subsequent editions of his book.
176. To Lucien Chavan and Jeanne Chavan-Perrin
[Benzingen, 15 October 1920]
Liebe Chavans!
In diesem einsamen Dörfchen sitze ich mit meinen
und wir gedenken
Ihrer und der Berner
Albert erzählt gerne von all dem Schönen, das er mit
Ihnen beiden erlebt
Vor einigen Jahren wollte ich Sie auf dem Amt besu-
Sie waren aber verreist.
Viel Glück und auf (hoffentlich baldiges) Wiedersehen! Ihr
A. Einstein.
AKS (SzBL). [72 354]. The postcard is addressed “Herrn & Frau L. Chavan Breitenrainstr 39 Bern
(Schweiz),” with return address “Abs. A. Einstein Haberlandstr. 5 Berlin.,” and postmarked “Verin-
genstadt 15.[10.]20.” The verso is a view of Benzingen.
[1]On Einstein’s stay with his sons in Benzingen, see Doc. 170.
[2]In the period between 1903 and 1909, both the Chavans and the Einsteins resided in Bern and
became friends (see Lucien Chavan to Einstein, 23 June 1908 [Vol. 5, Doc. 107], note 1, and Einstein
to Lucien Chavan, 19 October 1909 [Vol. 5, Doc. 180]).
[3]Hans Albert had stayed with the Chavans in Geneva in the summer to improve his French (see
Doc. 81). In a postcard to the Chavans (19 August 1920 [SzBL]), he thanked them and invited them
to Zurich.
[4]At the Swiss Telegraph Administration.
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