V O L U M E 9 , D O C U M E N T 9 6 a 1 3 3
Vol. 9, 96a. From Maja Winteler-Einstein and Paul
Lucerne, 29 August 1919
My Dears,
Almost a month has already passed since Albert left, and I still haven’t written
I’m just always on the go. Mama isn’t feeling well at all, she’s in much and
Thank heavens the nights are much better than ever because of the
injections, but the longer it goes on, the more Mama loses courage, because she
sees how it’s getting worse and worse. She never has an appetite, either, so she
doesn’t even have the one pleasure she could still have, the pleasure of eating. The
thought of cutting through the nerve to eliminate the pain in the leg. But
after thorough reflection, she considers the disadvantages greater than the advan-
tages after all. The danger of bedsores is supposedly significantly increased, which
cause just as great pain, and the operation at Mama’s age could easily be accompa-
nied by serious consequences; i.e., it’s not life-threatening but could have a very un-
favorable effect on the general state of health.
She would like Zangger to come
Guste is having great trouble getting
the entry
But I do believe she can come now, after we made another sub-
mission with an accompanying medical certification over here. Now, however, a
new problem has posed itself. The conversion rate is currently at 25!! She’s going
to be living with us and won’t need much, but if she doesn’t get a credit account in
Switzerland, she won’t be able to come after all. She thought Uncle Jakob should
open one for her, but he is no lover of such
Could you do it, dear Albert?
If yes, get in touch with Guste directly.
family were here in full force for an entire week. You
would have gotten stomach pains again. But they acted very nicely with regard to
Mama; even Alfred and Robert are each giving 50 francs per
so Mama is
now abundantly provided for. But it’s necessary, too, because Dr. T[obler] thought
yesterday that in the winter Mama should have a private nurse. I asked her to tell
me what that would cost but haven’t been informed yet.
Now you know how things stand. Sadly, I can’t report anything more cheerful.
Fond greetings and kisses to all of you, yours,
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