V O L U M E 8 , D O C U M E N T S 2 6 2 b , 2 6 3 a 3 1
tally, I stayed completely healthy throughout. My new theories really have come
alive here, because the best theoreticians are working on
The day after to-
morrow I’m also going to Groningen with
where I’ll be spending the
Tender greetings also to the little minxes and the
from your
Vol. 8, 262b. To Elsa Einstein
[Leyden,] Saturday. [7 October 1916]
Dear Else,
This greeting is in haste. This evening the Groningen
are coming
over here again to discuss relativity. So I don’t need to travel to
can’t get any lard. I have made inquiries at an official authority. Thus you will all
have to receive me lardless but with kindness all the
The days spent here
were unforgettably interesting and also very pleasant. My theory has found itself a
true home
The personal culture of the local people here . . . . . .
But even
so, I am looking forward to you and our quiet life no less than before. Greetings &
a kiss from your
Vol. 8, 263a. To Paul Bernays[1]
[Berlin,] Friday. [13 October 1916 or after
Dear Colleague,
The orientational sense of time exhibited by living organisms everywhere is in-
timately connected with the second law. It primarily involves processes of diffu-
sion, irreversible chemical processes, heat conduction, viscous currents, etc. It is
entirely correct that this temporal bias of events finds no expression in the funda-
mental laws we use as a basis. But the theory of relativity shares this circumstance
with classical mechanics, likewise with conventional electrodynamics and optics.
The second law is understood such that a very improbable state is set for one
temporal limit (lower t-limit) of a four-dimensional region under consideration; for
the region’s upper t-limit the probability considerations then yield a state of greater
probability. The puzzle is thus transferred into the boundary conditions and there-
fore avoids “explanation” by means of the equations.
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