CALENDAR 1920 6 0 7
auxiliary forces introduced in such a treatment are identified
as induced gravitational fields. The theory of relativity
cannot give a better means of treating this problem than
conventional methods. [25 228].
1-page TLC from Ilse Einstein to Hugo Seemann, on behalf
of Einstein. Asks for details on the goal of proposed investi-
gation of X-rays with KWIP financial help and the instru-
ments necessary to achieve it. GyBP, I. Abt., Rep. 34,
Nr. 10, Mappe Seemann. [77 625].
November 18 2-page ADS. With others, proposes Wilhelm Conrad
Röntgen as foreign member of the PAW to the physical-
mathematical class of the PAW. GyBAW, II-III, Bd. 138, Bl.
145. [83 962].
2-page TLS from Konrad Sannig & Co, G.m.b.H. The legal
advisers found that in his expert opinion (Vol. 7, Doc. 30)
Einstein formulated the claim of patent DRP 269498 very
clearly by distinguishing between processes that do not
make use of mechanical treatments more than necessary for
shaping the material and those that include additional
mechanical treatment. Ask whether the conclusion can be
drawn that processes falling into the first group cannot
infringe on patents for processes of the second group,
among them AEG patent 269498. On the verso of the first
page there is a note in Ilse Einstein’s hand: “Mit die in I.
Briefe von dargelegten Auffassung Interpretation mei-
nes Gutachtens vom 10. Jan. bin ich durchaus einverstan-
den.” [35 371, 35 372].
2-page TLS from Vieweg publishing house. The new print-
ing of Einstein 1917a has been divided into two 5,000-copy
portions and published as 11th and 12th editions in order to
underscore that the 50,000th copy has been reached. The
royalties of 7,200 M for each will be remitted to Einstein’s
bank account. Asks whether the check for the 10th edition
has turned up. [42 078].
November 19 1-page ALS from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Is reminded
that Hugh Chisholm is waiting for an answer to his letter.
[43 637].
2-page TLS from Fritz Haber. The KWG will publish a vol-
ume on the occasion of its 10th anniversary. In the list of the
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