1 6 0 D O C U M E N T S 1 1 6 , 1 1 7 A P R I L 1 9 2 1
matter, see Doc. 36. The most prominent physicists in Chicago at that time were Robert A. Millikan,
Albert A. Michelson, and Henry Gale.
[8]Princeton’s initial invitation was made in October 1920 (see Luther P. Eisenhardt to Einstein,
1 October 1920 [Vol. 10, Doc. 160]). However, Columbia University had invited Einstein to lecture
there as early as 1912 (see George Pegram to Einstein, 9 January 1912 [Vol. 5, Doc. 337]).
116. To Franz Boas
Hotel Commodore New York City April 11, 1921
Dear Sir:
It is a great pleasure for me to express to you my deep appreciation of the work
of Relief to which you and your Society devote so much time and effort. This work
I consider to be of the greatest importance in the struggle for existence of the sci-
entific research of the scientists themselves. In this time of acute crisis any relief
that you can provide is most urgently needed if the advancement of science is to be
maintained; also in those amongst the highly civilized countries which are now
poverty stricken as a result of the
I know personally the men who are in charge of the distribution of the funds in
Germany and I am convinced that they cope with their task in an efficient and ab-
solutely impartial manner. I am sure that the same conditions apply in Austria and
that the funds collected there from generous supporters of culture in America are
used in the best possible way in the interests of science in these countries.
Very truly yours,
TLC. [36 201]. The letter is addressed “Professor Franz Boas Emergency Soc. For German & Austri-
an Science & Art Columbia, University New York City.” An English draft in Solomon Ginzberg’s
hand [36 200] is also available.
[1]In Doc. 114, Boas asked Einstein about his opinion on how well the funds of the society were
being used in Germany.
117. From Arthur G. Webster[1]
Worcester, Mass., April 11, 1921.
Dear Sir:
I understand that you are expected in Worcester in a short time. I have not had
time to communicate with my friend Mr
as to the date of your arrival, but
I wish to lose no time in inviting you to give a lecture on your great Theory of Rel-
ativity at Clark University. I see by the papers that you are expecting to give a lec-
ture at Princeton, as that is the first American university that took an interest in the
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