1 6 4 D O C U M E N T 1 2 2 A P R I L 1 9 2 1
TDS (IsRWW). [70 972]. Typed on printed form with heading “In the Board of Aldermen.” Printed
passages are in italics. Title on verso: “Resolution granting the Freedom of the City of New York to
Professor Chaim Weisman, President of the World Zionists, Professor Albert Einstein and Associates.
By Aldermen Graubard, Hannoch Morris and Zeltner.”
[1]Chaim Weizmann.
[2]The resolution had been introduced by Aldermen Louis Zeltner, Moritz Graubard, and Samuel
R. Morris, and had been discussed at a meeting of the New York City Board of Aldermen on 5 April
1921. At the meeting, Republican Alderman Bruce M. Falconer tried to have the resolution blocked,
claiming that he did not know who Weizmann and Einstein were (see New York Times and New York
Call, 6 April 1921). Following the intervention by New York state senator Nathan Straus Jr., the res-
olution was passed at a special meeting of the board on 8 April by a majority of fifty-six (or fifty-
seven) votes to one (see New York Times, New York Call, and New York American, 9 April 1921). For
a denial by his attorney that former attorney general George W. Wickersham had inspired Falconer’s
anti-Semitic remarks, see Abraham Tulin to Leonard Stein, 21 April 1921 (IsRWW).
[3]John F. Hylan (1868–1936).
122. To Judah L. Magnes[1]
New York, April 18, 1921.
My dear Sir:
Please excuse the delay in answering your letter of the tenth inst. Thank you very
much for your kind offer to organize a gathering of intellectuals interested in the
This would have been a pleasure for me in any case, but my time is
now so much taken that I must be exceedingly sparing with my time in making ap-
If, however, you think that such a gathering as you suggest will not only be an
exchange of views, but will also contribute to the success of my Mission, to secure
support for the Jerusalem University—then I shall be glad to come to such a gath-
ering. It is essential, of course, from the above point of view that the gathering shall
include as many influential people as possible. If any of your friends, outside the
intellectual circle, but of possible use for the University, are interested, I will be
glad if those too are invited.
With regard to the date I wonder if Saturday Sunday next would do? Please
communicate with my secretary, Mr.
(the best would be to call him on
the telephone between 9 and 10 in the morning, Room 765 Hotel Commodore),
who will be able to make with you the necessary arrangement.
Thanking you again for your kind attention, I am, dear sir, Very truly yours,
Albert Einstein.
TLS (IsJeCAHJP, Judah L. Magnes Papers, P3/844). [36 841]. The letter is addressed “Dr. J. L. Ma-
gnes 24 East 11 Street New York City,” with return address, “Hotel Commodore New York City.”
[1]Magnes (1877–1948), chairman of the Jewish communal organization, the Kehillah of New York.
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