D O C U M E N T 1 3 0 M A Y 1 9 2 1 1 7 1
I am Yours very truly
Hotel Commodore, New York
LS in Solomon Ginzberg’s hand (MH, UAV 691, Dept. Physics, box 118). [85 221]. Written on let-
terhead “Auditorium Hotel Michigan Boulevard and Congress Street Chicago,” and addressed “Pro-
fessor Theodore Lyman Cambridge Mass.”
[1]Lyman (1874–1954) was Professor of Physics at Harvard University and director of its Jefferson
Physical Laboratory.
[2]Einstein was in Chicago from 2 to 6 May (see Calendar). He lectured on the special and general
theories of relativity in the University of Chicago’s Mandel Hall on 3, 4 and 5 May (Chicago Daily
Tribune, 2 May 1921; notes taken of the lectures are in WiMaHS, Anita McCormick Blaine Papers,
Series 1E, Box 237). On 3 May, “hundreds without tickets who had hoped for a glimpse of the cele-
brated physicist were turned away in disappointment.” Einstein was “received with a tremendous
burst of applause lasting for several minutes as he came upon the stage” (Daily Maroon, 4 May 1921.)
Einstein had been invited by university president Harry Pratt Judson, whose invitation had been
carried to New York by Max Epstein (Daily Maroon, 3 May 1921). He lectured at the Francis Parker
School on 5 May 5 (“Vortrag des Herrn Prof. Dr. Albert Einstein,” WiMaHS, Anita McCormick
Blaine Papers, Series 1E, Box 237). See Doc. 115 for Einstein’s interest in meeting with Chicago
[3]Lyman had inquired on behalf of Abbott L. Lowell, president of Harvard University, as to
whether Einstein planned to visit Boston during his tour of the United States (see 29 April 1921 in
[4]The Harvard Union was founded in 1901 “as a social center for all Harvard men” (see Harvard
1936, p. 49). The Harvard Student Liberal Club was founded in 1919. Its mission was to “promote a
keener understanding in the university of present day problems by encouraging the fair-minded dis-
cussion of controversial questions” (see Quinquennial 1927, pp. 2 and 34). For their invitation to Ein-
stein to speak on international conciliation, see 30 April 1921 in Calendar.
[5]Isaac Harris (1873–?) was a lawyer, an active Zionist in the Boston area, and a member of the
National Executive Committee of the Zionist Organization of America.
[6]The signature is in Einstein’s hand.
130. From Richard B. Haldane[1]
[London,] 5 May 1921
Hochgeehrter Herr Professor,
Es hat uns alle gefreut das Sie nach London in Juni kommen. Wollen sie mir die
Ehre geben mein Gast auf dieser addresse zu sein während ihre Auffenhalt in Lon-
don. Ich weiss nicht ob sie allein sein werden, oder ob Ihre Gnädige Frau kommt
Aber das ist einerlei, weil das Haus hier gross genug ist.
Es wird ein sehr bedeutend Vergnugen für mich sein wenn Sie diese Einladung
angenehm finden. Principal Barker und die anderen gelehrten hier stimmen damit
Hochachtungsvoll Ihr Ergebenst.
Haldane of Cloan
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