D O C U M E N T 1 3 5 M A Y 1 9 2 1 1 7 5
135. From Solomon Rosenbloom
[Pittsburgh,] May 18, 1921.
My dear Prof. Einstein:
Your esteemed letter of April
was received by me on my return home sev-
eral days ago, and this is the first opportunity I have had to acknowledge it.
I am very grateful to you for the explicit manner in which you state your views
on my conception of the branch which I proposed for the Hebrew University. I fully
appreciate your position and your point of view; and your suggestions as to how
my views could be executed are worthy of the greatest consideration.
From the academic point of view, I should make myself clearer than I did in the
and if you will permit me at some future time, I may take the opportunity
to do so.
For the present, however, the expression of your position and your support ac-
cordingly is sufficient encouragement for me to make further efforts in behalf of
the University in general, and that branch in particular.
It is very unfortunate that the break between the European leaders and the Amer-
ican leaders should have occurred at this
Aside from the fact that the gen-
eral Zionist work is bound to suffer on account of this misunderstanding, I feel that
even the work for the University is suffering on account of this
presence in this country could have been better utilized in behalf of the University
had there been no division in the ranks. However, I am not despairing of the future,
because a clearer understanding is bound to come between the European leaders
and the American Organization, and when that comes, the University work will be
taken up more energetically.
I will continue to give my interest and efforts to the University and more partic-
ularly to the Department which shall include in its curriculum the philosophy of
Judaism, even if this should be possible only by the installation of an Oriental
Research Department, as you
Most important is the purchase of books,
comprehensive of all the literature that will throw light on this particular phase of
Jewish development of thought, so as to make extensive study and research possi-
ble when this branch is established; and for this purpose I have already sent a
personal contribution of over 100,000 marks to Prof. Heinrich Loewe of Berlin,
who is very enthusiastic about building up a comprehensive library in the field of
As soon as my affairs will permit me—I am now about to liquidate my
—I will devote more time and energy to the cause of the University and
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