D O C U M E N T 1 4 4 J U N E 1 9 2 1 1 0 5
4) Confirmation of the theory of ideality (= nonexistence) as absolute and
relativity (“subjectivity”) as real (empirical) space.
5) Likewise for time.
6) Correction of the Kantian cosmology by the concept of an unlimited
finite world (a space?).
C) On its importance in intellectual history
7) Relativization of the Copernican worldview and the intellectual battles
over its acceptance.
Heinrich Scholz.
144. From Morris R. Cohen
[New York,] 6 June
Dear Professor Einstein,
It was difficult for me to express to you orally and in a foreign language the joy
and courage which my meeting you has afforded me.[2] Poor health, too much
drudgery, and a scattering of my mental efforts & the four corners of the intellectual
world—law, mathematics, history of civilization, and philosophy—have prevented
me from as yet accomplishing any of the things for which I have been striving. The
kind and friendly interest which you expressed in my work has, therefore, meant
much more encouragement to me than you can readily imagine. I hope that you will
remember, when you read the several re-prints of mine that you took along, that
they were written years ago and that they were to fellow-philosophers.[3] I can only
hope that some of the things which I hope to print soon will be of greater value and
will interest you more.
I ardently hope that you will find it possible to accept the Columbia offer.[4] If
you decide to do so, please let me or Mr. Gano Dunn know.[5] I am sure that we can
secure similar offers from neighboring universities. If you come for scientific pur-
poses it will not be necessary for you to live in New York hotels. Arrangements can
be made for you and Mrs. Einstein to live in some quiet neighborhood where you
can meet the people you want and have your privacy respected.
With warmest regards to you and to Mrs. Einstein, in which my wife[6] joins,
faithfully yours,
Morris R. Cohen
P.S. I enclose a German translation of this letter, but I don’t know which you will
find easier to read.
Translator’s note: Original written in English.
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