1 1 8 D O C U M E N T 1 6 3 J U N E 1 9 2 1
Furthermore, I cannot thank you enough for the kind recommendations that you
gave me for the gentlemen Mr. Untermyer and Dr.
But I must, unfortu-
nately, admit that by doing so I could not reach the intended goal.
If I could stay in America for a longer time, these gentlemen naturally would do
their utmost to arrange something for me on your kind recommendations. But since
I cannot stay long, I could only be helped if it were desirable to these gentlemen
that I deliver a series of lectures there before a Jewish audience. The topic I would
like to cover would be the following: “On the contact between Jewry and the
Greeks during the Alexandrian period and the worldviews that emerged from it.”
This subject fact was of extreme importance in the development of European civ-
ilization. I have worked on this subject here already in part, incidentally.
If it would be possible for you to write to Mr. Untermyer and Dr. Beck in this
regard, they would certainly agree to this matter without hesitation and I would at
last be able to fulfill my duty of gratitude to my dear mother. If it is not possible for
you, though, I shall permit myself to write to these gentlemen myself and enclose
your visiting cards with the letters. I thank you most heartily in advance.
As concerns worthless
I am going to consult with my friends about
what should be done.
Please don’t forget to indicate the precise address of Prof. Ehrenfest in
so they can submit to him, as you wish, your honoraria for the translated
lectures, in the month of
Did you receive the 20 copies of Geometry and
Are you satisfied with the translation?
Following your good advice, I will go to America only in the
I would be
very glad to bring the translation of the Princeton lectures to completion by then.
Forgive me, dear Einstein, if I bother you with this America trip, but you know
very well that I never ask for anything for myself, even under the direst of circum-
stances. But how could I leave the wish of my dear, old mother, who ardently. . .
wants to see me, unfulfilled? And how much I would like to see her myself!
Cordial regards from your grateful
M. Solovine
My very kind regards to Miss Ilse Einstein.
163. To Hendrik A. Lorentz
30 June 1921
Highly esteemed, dear Colleague,
It is a crying shame that not everyone could attend the Brussels
personally, regretted indescribably having to decline at the last
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