D O C U M E N T 1 6 5 J U L Y 1 9 2 1 1 1 9
Millikan, whom I visited in Chicago, I heard, however, that very fine work was
I was very glad about that.
The trip to America and England was quite successful. Not only could I contrib-
ute substantially toward the materialization of the university in Jerusalem, but also
could do something toward restoring international relations. But everything was
altogether such a strain that I was not able to come to Holland as well. I hope to be
able to make up for it next semester, perhaps in the
It pleased me very much to gather from your letter that the Jerusalem library is
receiving, through your mediation, such important
In the area of relativity two notable attempts exist, starting with
to unify
the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field: one by Eddington and one by
a mathematician, Bach, in Essen. Eddington generalizes the ’s even more than
Weyl, but obtains that way far more components than available differential
Bach’s paper (Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 9, issue
more reasonable to me, especially since it dispenses with the questionable identifi-
cation of the metrically defined ’s with the electromagnetic
Common to
all these attempts, however, one moves to equations of fourth order without any
physical necessity, which has as a consequence a far-reaching lack of definition in
the theory’s statements (solutions). I also made an attempt at generalizing the
but am skeptical of it myself. True advances can apparently only be
achieved on the basis of sufficient physical pointers; but these are unfortunately
Cordial regards to you and your wife, yours,
A. Einstein.
164. From Central Committee of the German Red Cross
[Berlin,] Cecilienhaus, 30 June 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
165. To Félix Michaud
1 July 1921
Highly est. C[olleague],
Thank you kindly for your letter and for your
Unfortunately I cannot,
by any means, regard the loss in the stars’ entropy through irradiation as a solution
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