D O C U M E N T 5 4 F E B R U A R Y 1 9 2 1 4 7
versity to be established in
At this occasion I could hold a few lectures
in Princeton, provided you deemed it desirable. Please pardon that I take the initia-
tive in this way but in view of the friendly invitations I received from American uni-
versities, first of all from your university, I would not consider it right to travel to
America without giving you notice. In addition to Princeton University, I also
received invitations from the Universities of Wisconsin and Yale and from the
Academy in
However, I only address you, because your invitation
was the first I received and because the time at my disposal is very limited. I do not
know whether the point in time under consideration seems suitable to you, but I
would not like to neglect anything that could contribute toward an improvement in
international relations, which is close to my
I leave the fixing of the hono-
rarium for the lectures entirely to you. I request that you kindly address the reply
to this letter to Dr. Paul Warburg in the firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in New
In hope of soon making your personal acquaintance, I am, in expressing my par-
ticular respect, yours sincerely.
54. From Vladimir M. Chulanovsky[1]
Leyden, 57 Witte Rozenstraat, 21 February 1921
Highly esteemed Mr. Einstein,
In a great quandary I apply to you for help.
1. There is a danger (not yet completely certain) that my boss, Professor Rosh-
destvensky, who is arriving soon in Tallinn [Reval], will not receive an entry permit
for Holland, presumably due to some unknown
2. Since one of the main purposes of Prof. Roshdestvensky’s trip is (a) to speak
with a few physicists in Germany (particularly with
(b) to purchase
instruments especially also in Germany, it would be very important that he obtain
a permit to stay in
3. Because, as director of the Optics Institute, he can only stay away from Petro-
grad for a short time. So that the administration of the institute [is] not to be seri-
ously disrupted, it is of great importance that he not have to lose any time waiting
for a visa.
Only very reluctantly did I decide to impose on you. But you are the only one I
can turn to for help in this matter.
Mr. Ehrenfest
that I am asking you this.
W. Tschulanowsky.
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