D O C U M E N T S 8 2 , 8 3 M A R C H 1 9 2 1 6 7
geyser, such an intermittent temperament that always ejects something unexpected.
I don’t want to reciprocate, because that would mean an almost immoral imperti-
Kind regards, yours,
A. Einstein.
82. From Rudolf Goldschmidt[1]
Charlottenburg 9, 45 Lindenallee, 7 March 1921
Dear Professor,
I would like to thank you once again for having permitted me to consult you
regarding my
For your assistance the research
will take the liberty of remitting to
you the agreed-upon honorarium of 18,000 marks annually in quarterly install-
ments in advance.
I would like to assure you herewith that I shall not make undue claims on your
time and limit the consultations to an occasional submission and discussion of my
plans in general.
Your truly devoted
Rudolf Goldschmidt.
83. To Paul Ehrenfest
[Berlin, 8 March 1921]
Dear Ehrenfest,
You golden man, you angel, for not scolding me about my Zionist
There is quite some outrage here, but it’s all the same to me. Even the assimilation-
Jews are wailing or
If all goes smoothly, we’ll be traveling on the 21st
to Rotterdam, where we’ll be on the 22nd. The ship leaves on the
It would
be very nice of you if you came to
That way we can talk with the least
disturbance. If anything is changed in the travel plans, you’ll receive immediate
notice. I’ll be coming to Leyden for this summer term, in any
Warm regards to all of you, yours,
The plan about the musical things sounds very
It won’t be that easy,
though. If possible we’ll take everything along with us.
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