D O C U M E N T S 8 9 , 9 1 M A R C H 1 9 2 1 7 3
89. To Arnold Sommerfeld
[Berlin,] 9 March 1921
Dear Sommerfeld,
To my dismay I learned today from W.
that my last letter to you got
In it I offered to come to Munich sometime in June (if you really do still
want it). The offer still stands. I also said then that I could not share Herzfeld’s
opinion regarding the emission of half of the angular momentum during magnetic
At least, certain experiments by Beck speak against
according to
which bundles of isolated wires act like massive rods. In any event, we may await
in suspense the outcome of Herzfeld’s experiment. I found a kind of supplement to
the foundations of general relativity that is related to Weyl’s but differs from it in
that the ’s only occur as electric field strengths ; whether this busi-
ness is physically worth anything is doubtful to me, though.[5] The Lord does things
as he pleases and doesn’t follow orders.
I hope you get this letter, so that wrath doesn’t gather over my innocent head!
Best regards, yours,
A. Einstein.
90. From Hans Reissner[1]
Wilmersdorf, 18 Wittelsbacher St., 9 March 1921
[Not selected for translation.]
91. From Chaim Weizmann
London, W.C.I., 77 Great Russell Street, 9 March 1921
Dear Professor,
I received a telegram from America from Judge Mack, president of the Ameri-
can Zionist organization, and Prof. Frankfurter of Harvard University, a member of
the American Zionist leadership, with the information that they are in the process
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