C A L E N D A R O F A B S T R A C T S 1 9 2 5 9 0 1 die ich durch äussere Eindrücke gehabt habe. Ich möchte hier nochmals meine Dankbar- keit ausdrücken.” ADS. [94 951]. Tolmasquim 2003, p. 72. 667. [Rio de Janeiro,] 21 March 1925 “Es ist interessant für einen Europäer, ein Land zu sehen, das im Begriffe ist, sich seine Formen und Sitten selbst neu zu bilden.” ADS. [94 952]. Tolmasquim 2003, p. 77. 668. On the 1919 Sobral Eclipse Expedition [Rio de Janeiro,] 21 March 1925 “Die Frage, die meinem Kopf entsprang hat Brasiliens sonniger Himmel beantwortet.” ADS. [94 955]. Tolmasquim 2003, p. 73. 669. To a journalist of A Noite Rio de Janeiro, 21 March 1925 “Einen freundlichen Gruss Brasilien bei der Ankunft.”ADS. Tolmasquim 2003, p. 70. ADS. [94 956]. 670. [Rio de Janeiro,] 28 March 1925 “Meine freundlichen Grüsse an die argentinischen Juden. Mögen sie die unter politisch und materiell günstigen Umständen leben, die gemeinsamen jüdischen Ziele und Auf- gaben nicht vergessen.” ADS. [94 954]. Mundo Israelita, 28 March 1925 Tolmasquim 2003, p. 82. 671. From the Russisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft “Kultur-Technik-Ost” [Moscow,] 28 March 1925 Has begun its activities on 16 February and has elected A. J. Arikot and AE as honorary presidents. Sends the names of the members. TLS. [44 856]. 672. From Harry Sweidon Edinburgh, 4 April 1925 Elects AE as the honorary president of the Edinburgh University Jewish Society to re- place Nahum Sokolow. ALS. [30 200]. 673. From William W. Campbell Berkeley, 13 April 1925 Has learned that AE will be at Caltech in Pasadena next winter, and invites him to the University of California at Berkeley for two to three weeks, as well as the Lick Obser- vatory, where he could show him the photographs taken during the 1922 eclipse expedi- tion to Australia. He is offering an honorarium of $1,000. TLS. [8 326]. 674. To Eduardo L. Holmberg Buenos Aires, 20 April 1925 Thanks for the honor and kindness shown to him during the session of the Argentine Academy. ALS. [75 103.1]. See Appendix J, p. 976. 675. To the Minister of Justice and Public Education of Argentina [Montevideo, 22–23 April 1925] Expresses his most sincere thanks to the minister for having been one of the initiators of the lecture tour at the university in Buenos Aires, and for facilitating the trip to Córdoba. He will remember his visit and activities in this country with fondness and gratitude. PK. [94 962]. 676. To the Asociación Hebraica, Buenos Aires [Buenos Aires, 23 April 1925] Thanks for the nomination as an honorary member. ADS. [94 953]. Tolmasquim 2003, p. 91. 677. To Israel Ehrlich [Montevideo,] 23 April 1925 Agrees to have a school for Talmud studies and Hebrew languages named after him. ALS. [84 225].
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